Thursday, March 3, 2022

Some Things Can't Be Swept Under The Rug. . .

The U.S. House Committee investigating the treasonous Capitol insurrection of Jan. 6, 2021 said last Wednesday night that is has evidence showing former President Trump and his associates engaged in a "criminal conspiracy" to prevent Congress from certifying the presidential election results of 2020.

If the Russian invasion of Ukraine was not hogging all of the news, this  would be the biggest breaking news story of the year.

We all know how guilty he and his circle of traitors have been, but when the House Committee arrives at this conclusion, we all need to pay attention and anxiously await the Department of Justice's work. This is serious! 

Think about what they tried to do. Think about their absolute disregard for our constitution, our rule of law, and our democracy. These people tried to overturn our national election for President of the United States and hand it over to the loser. They attacked our Capitol building, threatened to kill the Vice President, and caused death, serious injuries of our law enforcement, and brought our nation to its knees.

We must never forget this and we must not let the guilty escape the consequences of their vicious and treasonist assault on our nation.

There is a great fear in America that if given enough time, this attempted mutiny of our ship of state will be swept under the rug and the guilty will go free. Our democracy was already being challenged by this group of power-hungry Republicans of Trump, and their plans to prosecute a coup just compounded the problem. Today, their traitorous members of Congress are beating the drums for further attacks. They should be charged and convicted and not be allowed to ever hold elected offices again!

Our Department of Justice must now take up the evidence and build a further case against these criminals.

If we do not punish those who have committed such a heinous act as this, we will be confronted with this criminals such as these, again and again.

We must protect our democracy!

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