Monday, February 28, 2022

Rosendale is a Republican Obstructionist. . .

Rep. Matt Rosendale  (R-MT) has been a Republican obstructionist in the U.S. House of Representatives as long as he has been there, and he isn't getting any better!

"He voted with a small cadre of GOP naysayers, just 14 in total, to vote against establishing June 19th each year as a national holiday to commemorate the end of slavery, a measure that also received unanimous support in the Senate. Forty-eight states, including Montana, already recognized the day as a sate or ceremonial holiday.

Rosendale has voted to align himself with the most extreme elements of Congress - the caucus of denial, those who voice support for law enforcement but won't even acknowledge the heroism of the police who risked their lives to save those same members of Congress from a violent mob on Jan. 6th. He voted against awarding the Congressional Gold Metal to police officers who defended the Capitol during the Jan. 6th insurrection. The measure passed 406-21 in the House and unanimously in the Senate.

If we're looking for constructive legislation aimed at solving problems that are facing Montanans, we need to look to someone else."                                       - excerpts from the Bozeman Daily Chronicle

Montanans are woefully underrepresented in Congress. Rep. Matt Rosendale found a ripe patch of Republican voters in Montana to help him get back to his beloved Maryland. We gave him a free ride home. Now, let's make sure he stays there!



Sunday, February 27, 2022

Does Montana need to overhaul its Primary Election system?

Former Montana Governor Marc Racicot and former Secretary of State Bob Brown, both Republicans, are considering moving the state toward nonpartisan primary elections. They said it would allow candidates regardless of their political leanings to be on all primary ballots and hopefully weed out extremists and serve a larger majority of voters. They said this is a system that would allow candidates who have not been groomed by a party alone "to move to the great middle."

Brown said the nonpartisan primary allows candidates from all parties on the same ballot, and the top two vote-getters would move on to the general election.

Racicot is also pushing for campaign finance reform. He sees it as "out of hand" and calling the millions spent to get into political office "obscene."

Is this a good idea?  We have two dedicated Republicans trying to improve on an election system that just swept nearly every Montana Republican candidate into office in the last election. Why would they want to improve on that?

I'm curious what the Montana Democrats think of this idea.

If we were all to become painfully honest with ourselves, we would admit that our election process has become a little ruthless. There is way too much mega-money spent in buying elections, there is way too much dishonesty in campaigning, and there is way too much campaign influence coming from outside our state.

While I applaud these two men for offering solutions to our election process, I truly believe we could solve the entire problem by eliminating the ability for American oligarchs to buy elections and introduce huge penalties to candidates who are fact-checked and caught emitting false information to hurt their opponent and/or to enhance their own campaign chances.

The proposed changes might be an excellent way to allow people of every stripe to join our primary election process regardless of a party affiliation. They may also be an utopian exercise in futility.

However, wouldn't it be great if we could reach a point where candidates were elected based on the content of their character and not the color of their money or party! 

What thoughts do you have about the Racicot/Brown ideas?

An honest opinion by
John Watson

Saturday, February 26, 2022

"Conservative judges do no legislate from the bench - only Liberal judges do that. . . "

Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) is a hypocrite -  first, last, and always. He has perfected the talent of talking out of each sides of his mouth while fooling no one.

President Biden's choice for Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is a highly-respected judge who is considered an excellent person by all who know her. She has been twice-confirmed for lower courts in recent times.

That, however, is not good enough for our man Steve. He isn't going to be happy until Biden selects someone from the pool of Republicans. When the former president nominated three right-wing, conservative-to-the-hilt Justices to the U.S. Supreme Court, Daines said nary a word about them. The more to the right, the better! 

With Jackson, there seems to be a problem for Daines. Biden should have looked for someone more in the middle - or maybe a little to the right. Listen to his analysis of Biden's choice of Judge Jackson:

"Any Supreme Court Justice must understand the importance of not legislating from the bench and upholding the Constitution. With that said, I'm disappointed that President Biden chose to appeal to his far-left base with this nomination, rather than listen to voices on both sides of the aisle calling for a Supreme Court nominee who would enjoy strong bi-partisan support and consensus."

Jackson was confirmed to be U.S. Circuit Judge for the District of Columbia Circuit by a 53-44 vote on June 14, 2021. Daines opposed the confirmation.

Our junior senator is wandering around out in the weeds again and doing his Trump impression of "solidifying his base with nonsensical hypocrisy."

Our man Daines had best wake up and realize his senate career is coming to an end and all that's important right now is to do some damage control on his reputation for the history books. Otherwise, his hypocritical words and deeds are going to be very unkind to him.

You will still have a conservative majority on the court, senator. Loosen up - your Republican Party of Trump is nearing its end anyway. Maybe you can work on reprising the former Grand Old Party and getting it right this time.

Opinion by John Watson


Thursday, February 24, 2022

The thundering hoofbeats of AG Knudsen. . .

Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen rode his horsey to America's southern border to see what he could see. He visited the Rio Grande Valley Sector in Texas to see the border for himself and hear directly from public safety officials who are dealing with the crisis every damn day. What he saw was "eye-opening!" (Translated: The Texas Republicans he talked to opened his eyes to a talking point.)

Why he decided to take a junket to the screwed up state of Texas on Montana taxpayers' dime is a mystery. Could it be he just wanted to get some more "talking points" on how to mess with our voting rights? Texas would certainly be the place to learn from the best on voter suppression!

And what he saw was crime. Crime to the east of him. Crime to the West of him.  And crime from the south of him. Crime that is raging on and is clearly hurting Montana. Of course, we aren't aware of it because it's not on the front pages of newspapers or the evening news on television. I think he also got that chapter out of the Republican "book of political talking points."

As attorney general, he's taking action to "force President Biden to uphold they law and lessen the impacts of drugs and crime on Montana communities. Of course, this is aimed at "President Biden's dangerous immigration policies" and he plans to take him to court. The GOP will not stand for those "future liberal voters" coming across our southern borders.

We knew he'd get around to that. That topic is in the GOP "book of political talking points," as well.

As a native Montanan of eight-three years, I would suggest to this young GOP whipper-snapper that he spend his time advising his fellow Republicans on leaving personal rights of all Montanans alone and leave the border problems to the federal government. I'm sure that since his election he is full of ego, pee, and vinegar, but he is not ready to be an adviser to our president.

This Gianforte administration charged into power like a bull in a china shop with the battle plans of Genghis Khan. 

They are, however, governing like a horde of Trump mobsters and thugs!



Tuesday, February 22, 2022

CIVIL WAR 2.0 . . .

President Lincoln and the run-up to the Civil War should be on all of our minds these days. There are so many frightening similarities that shake me to my core and the more they prey on my mind, the more frightening they become.

In the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1860, Douglas championed "popular sovereignty," the idea that territories wanting to become states should be able to decide whether to enter the Union slave or free. He led passage of the "Compromise of 1850" and the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, which adopted popular sovereignty. That brought with it the possibility that slavery would be extended to states north of the southern border of Missouri - negating the Missouri Compromise of 1820 that had barred slavery north of Missouri's southern border.

Seven southern states left the Union over slavery and the war began.

Today, America's southern states, plus a few others that are under Republican control, grumble about leaving the Union,  but the idea passes when they lie down, take a nap, and dream of all those federal dollars that pour into their coffers. What doesn't pass, however, is their racist thoughts. 

It's been 161 years since our Civil War began and by the most-accepted estimates, there were 360,222 Union deaths and 258,000 Confederate deaths beginning April 12, 1861 and ending April 9, 1865. 

Today, our nation is as divided as it was in 1861. And, the reason is the desires of the Republican Party of Trump want things to return to the "good ol' days of pre-1860."  When life was carefree, mint julips and a delicious dinner on the veranda, cigars to be lit by the colored butler, and an evening of watching the slaves in the fields next to the house, working 'til dark! One tried to run away this afternoon, but his achilles tendons were cut so he couldn't run anymore, but he is able to pick cotton.

You know, the "good ol' days."

Census experts are saying the whites in America will be in the minority by 2045. You can bet the White Supremacists have read that piece of news and have already ordered their women to begin sewing white hoods and robes.  I think back twenty-three years ago and that isn't really much time. To a soon-to-be minority, it's gonna' fly by!

As a matter of fact, it is my belief that more than white hoods and robes have been on their agenda. They joined a man named Trump to get the party started early. Think about the rallies, the marching in the street, the disruption on commercial airplanes, the shootings, the increase in racial tension (as if we needed any more), and general animosity around the nation. People are mad at people for very little reason. Violence is in the air so thick you could cut it with a butcher knife.  The White Supremacists, White Nationalists, Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, and QAnons are springing up everywhere. They're coming out of the woodwork and they're ALL WHITE. 

And, they're all pissed. 

Why are they?  Because not one Republican is going to like being looked down on as an American minority!

That's why!

Case closed. Not you can get ready for Civil War 2.0.

Monday, February 21, 2022

OOOPS. . . This ain't working out like they planned!

Dang it, the Montana Republican Party of Trump just can't seem to get the dance steps right. It ain't supposed to be a one forward, two back, and step on your partner's foot. But, however you want to dance, Mr. Attorney General. 

We all learned at an early age - except for Republicans, I guess - that when you point a finger at someone, you will notice that when you look down at your hand there will be three fingers pointing back at you.

I reckon that's what happened when the governor, attorney general, and a raft of pointy-headed little Republicans in the State Legislature pointed a finger at all of those "hundreds of thousands of Montana's shameful hussies" who are getting abortions every year. "Nasty and vile women and girls!"  Mercy me, what are saintly Christian Conservative Republican folks supposed to think? 

Well, it seems the Montana Constitution has a few words about abortions and even if the U.S. Supreme Court decides to upend Roe v. Wade, they will still be made available in Montana. Hence, our state will become a haven for abortions for women across the nation!

Mercy, mercy, little Percy. . . what will the State GOP do about this revolting turn of events?  They must find a way to stop those "horrible women" from creating a blight on our fair state. Everyone knows that abortions are only available for the favored few Republican ladies. (lol, as they say on social media)

Watching them get out of this tangled web will be strictly a spectator's sport. I am assuming, of course, that this will mean an additional item on the Special Session's agenda. I'm sure they will come up with a "quick fix" to save face, but they're finding out that politics ain't nothing to fool around with. 

Maybe they could simply spend some time and research why a relative handful of women in Montana actually look for abortions. They might be greatly surprised. 

Or, they could just keep messing around like they have two right feet until they've backed themselves off the dance floor and out the door.

And wouldn't that be nice!

Our nation's DISRUPTORS. . .

 Right-Wing Nuts at a School Board Meeting

This is getting serious, folks. These low-intelligence, high-octane shock-troopers of the right-wing are invading our school board and city council meetings with some false notion that they are doing something important for our communities. The only thing they have in their arsenal of ideas, however, is the ability to yell and scream about something they know little about. Their ultimate plan is to simply disrupt! 

A former United States President taught them that if you want action - even if it's something you know little about - all you have to do is make a lot of noise and DISRUPT life as we know it! 

These radicalized disruptors have but one purpose: Remove our dedicated board members and replace them with loyal right-wing acolytes. Their modus operandi is revolting! There are reports of "kill the superintendents!" and "Kill their family members!" The more hostile the remarks, the better these disruptors like it. Their ultimate mission is to begin the various replacements with the lowest level of elected officials in the nation, such as city council, school boards, county officials, and then move on up the ladder. They need to convince the voters in the communities that the current officials are taking America down a dark and evil path.

The ultimate goal of the Republican Party of Trump and all who worship at their feet is to turn upside-down the way we look at our excellent education system and various community services. From there, they can work their way up the line of all elected offices until they control most, if not all, national offices. First and foremost, however, is the need to start at the roots of government control!

They have a big task, but they have a good start. When they overpower our communities, they overpower our states. From there, the only job left is to shove national problems back to there state controllers. And this, America, is how an authoritarian government begins, and at that point, you have little-to-no recourse!

We can't let them continue.  This is one fight we absolutely cannot afford to lose.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

"The Party told you to reject the evidence. . . "

To say the Republican Revolution is getting out of control would be the understatement of the century.  These folks have blood on their hands and hate in their hearts.

They are committing every lie, every sin, and every illegal maneuver you could imagine. There is no virtue they won't trample and there is no law they will obey.  The one basic right that every America adult has is the right to vote for who they believe should represent them in our government. However, the Republican Party of Trump is in the process of eliminating that right! 

They have begun their march on voter suppression and voter counting. The issues that were once considered "settled law" are now on their agenda and are being attacked with fury. People's rights are now open to interruption by the Party, and deceit and corruption are the passwords of the day. 

In George Orwell's book "1984," he wrote of how the authoritarian rule engulfed every fiber of the people's being and every cell of their minds. It was all accomplished by total ownership of the nation's media and by drilling into the people's mind that what they were used to hearing and reading was totally false. Their answer to the masses was simple: 

"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." 

Phrases from "1984" that apply today under the onslaught of the Republican Party of Trump are: 

"Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing."

"It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words."

"One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship."

"There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad."

And if those quotes do not jar your senses, think about these (my paraphrased words added) from the beginning of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. . . 

"(Twelve score and six years ago) our fathers brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great (tribal division), testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived, and so dedicated, can long endure."

 An Opinion by John Watson

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Saturday, February 19, 2022

Ain't No Wyoming Woman Gonna' Talk About Trump Like that!"

 Harriet Hageman

Wyoming Republican, Served on Wyoming State Republican National Committee, Attorney, Founder of Wyoming Conservation Alliance, and endorsed by Donald Trump and Kevin McCarthy to unseat Rep. Liz Cheney in the Wyoming Primary Election on August 16, 2022.

The former president Donald Trump and the current Minority Leader of the House Kevin McCarthy, better known as the Retribution Renegades, have officially endorsed Harriet Hageman to unseat the current Wyoming Representative to the U.S. House Liz Cheney in the state primary in August. 

These two dimwits have chosen Hageman because Cheney has had the audacity  to call Trump exactly what he is: A treasonist blight on our nation.

Little is known of Hageman outside of Wyoming. Her biggest draw, however, is she is the darling of Donald Trump and Kevin McCarthy! And, as far as they are concerned, that's all Hageman will need to get her a win. I doubt either of them would recognize her in a crowded elevator.

We're talking about two of the biggest losers in the Republican Party right now, saying they can beat one of the most conservative and experienced GOP members of the U.S. House in decades! I'm no betting man, but I'd bet my next social security check against the brain power of those two clowns. Cheney's congressional work would run circles around both of them.

We are living in strange times. When the likes of Trump and McCarthy can actually be instrumental in removing a strong, dedicated representative from the Republican State of Wyoming and replace her with a woman who has only one credential to offer -  Friend of Trump and McCarthy - the politics in Wyoming must really be shaky. 

This will be a great race to watch.  So far, Hageman has raised about $745,000 and Cheney has about  $7.2 million.

I'm guessing Trump and McCarthy - together - have given Hageman about $27.50. . . at the most.

Let the "Retribution Race" begin!

"Ain't no Wyoming Women gonna' Talk about Trump Like That!"

The Kalispell Area is turning into a Trump Swamp. . .

Rep. Derek Skees is a Montana Republican politician who is a member of the Montana House of Representatives.

In 2013, he ran for Montana Commissioner of Securities and Insurance, but lost.  In 2014, he ran for Montana's 5th Public Service Commissioner seat, but only secured 34% of the vote in the primary and lost.   In 2016, he ran and was elected  to the Montana House of Representatives.  In 2021, he was master of ceremonies for the Red Pill Festival held in St. Regis, which sought to promote anti-government conspiracy theories and Christian conservatism.  In 2021, he was unhappy with a preliminary injunction that blocked three anti-abortion bills, and said, "we need to throw out Montana's socialist rag of a constitution."

Recently, he tried to include additional items to a Special Session that would be to re-draw districts for the Public Service Commission. Items he outlined would include increased restrictions on allowed forms of voter identification, eliminate same-day voter registration in the state, and limiting when elections can be held only by mail-in ballots. He declined to outline any additional policy proposals.

Skees is one of those Kalispell area Republicans who won't be happy until they have destroyed the "Last Best Place" and converted it into a piece of you-know-what. Our democracy isn't what they want, our constitution isn't what they will follow, and our rule of law isn't what they will recognize.

Derek Skees is not a Montanan. He was born in Orlando, Florida and graduated from the University of Central Florida. He is, by occupation, a Construction consultant.

What he isn't is TRUSTWORTHY!

Friday, February 18, 2022

The Guilt of Misfits and Egomaniacs. . .

"At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; 
separated from law and justice he is the worst." 

Can the stain and stench be removed through the court system or will it be forever attached to our souls? Will they finally be a distant memory or will we be plagued with their criminal and treasonous acts throughout our lives and into eternity?

This family of misfits and egomaniacs have trampled on our sanity and ripped apart our rule of law in broad daylight. Their success can only be attributed to the complicit behavior of the congressional members of his party and the ragtag street urchins who served as his "base." 

How could we have been so stupid?  How completely divided into tribes are we? How can we let our nation be so divided that we find ourselves on the doorstep of a civil war 2.0? 

Who do we blame for this vicious attack on our democracy that is still an unsettled deal. We are teetering on the brink of disaster as the fires of divisive hate still rages. 

This crime family is still stuck in our nightmares and won't give us peaceful sleep. As we battle Covid-19, the hate that lingers on our streets, our schools, and in our skies, we find ourselves beaten to a frazzle. Hate is the word of the day and the frightening fear of the night.

Will justice be served and will the guilt of this family bring his reign of undeserved political power to an end? 

But what of the complicit ones? What will become of them? Will they be proven guilty and brought to justice? They are scattered across our nation in pursuit of similar authoritarian power in our state houses. Their uncivil plans are no different than the scandalous plans that were set into motion in our nation's capitol

There is still much to do. There is still much we must do!

An Opinion by
John Watson

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whether in agreement or in opposition


Thursday, February 17, 2022

Zinke Wants To Embarrass Us Again. . .

Once More Without Integrity

According to a story in the Helena Independent Record Feb. 17, 2022, ". . . the U.S. Interior Inspector General found Ryan Zinke misused his position to advance a commercial development project that included a microbrewery in his Montana hometown and lied to an agency ethics official about his involvement.

The investigation found that Zinke continued work on the commercial project through a nonprofit foundation in the resort community of Whitefish even after he committed upon taking office to break ties with the foundation.

Zinke, who is now running for Congress, also gave incorrect and incomplete information to an Interior Department ethics official who confronted him over his involvement and ordered agency staff to help with the project in a misuse of this position, according to the investigation's report. The findings in the report seem to be significant, that he behaved unethically, misused his office and then lied about it to cover it up - those are serious findings, the inspector general said."

The former Navy Seal, former U.S. House Representative from Montana, and former head of the Dept. of the Interior chosen by Donald Trump who resigned during an investigation of his misuse of office, still wants back into our government as an U.S. House Representative from Montana again. 

This is a no-brainer. Asking Montana to let him back to misuse an oath of office again -  that he obviously pays no attention to -  is ludicrous. 

Fool us once, shame on Zinke. Fool us twice, shame on Montana Voters!


Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Price Gouging Is The Name Of The Game. . .

Inflation or Price Gouging?

Let's make sure what we're being told is the whole truth

Corporate Greed is Alive and Well in America

The Insider story by Dominick Reuter reports that consumer products companies reported third-quarter earnings in recent weeks, several have appeared to brag about their ability to reach into your wallet without scaring you off.

"What we are very good at is pricing,: Colgate-Palmolive CEO Noel Wallace said. "Whether it's foreign exchange inflation or raw and packing material inflation, we have found ways over time to recover that in our margin line."

Unilever, which owns a staggering number of household brands, reported that while the number of sales dipped slightly across several of its major segments, it was still able to grow profits by raising prices by roughly 4% - 5%.

"Consumer-facing price is the last lever we normally use to manage inflation," Unilever CFO Graeme Pitkethly said before describing how they did it: "We find that taking several small price increases is more effective than one large price jump."

"We've been very comfortable with our ability to pass on the increases that we've seen a this point," Kroger CFL Gary Millerchip said. "And we would expect that to continue to be the case."

Fortune reports that "top Democrats are ripping corporations for price gouging. Executives brazenly boast to investors about raising prices." 

A pack of 50 Kimberly-Clark N95 masks cost $2,319 in October 2021. By mid-January, the same box of masks cost $5,715, according to the Groundwork Collaborative, a left-leaning activist group focused on economic issues.

Lawmakers say it's price-gouging. And it's not just happening in pandemic-related supplies. The cost of diapers, food and even drugs has skyrocketed dramatically in recent months as corporations have increased prices and maintained healthy profit margins, according to Democrats in Congress who conducted a hearing on pricing on Wednesday.

"Corporate greed is motivating large companies to use the pandemic and supply chair issues as an excuse to raise prices simply because they can. And a lot of executives brazenly boast to investors about raising prices on consumers with consequences - and these executives are saying they're going to continue doing so," House Energy and Commerce committee chairman Rep. Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) said during Wednesday's hearing.

We know what is going on and we still sit quietly by and soak up the "terrible inflation rate caused of Biden" as the gospel truth like good little sponges. 

 Comes the revolution!

Pay attention, people

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Money Grubbers in the Enemy Camp. . .

"Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) is raking in cash from Republican donors, including at least one who's also been propping up fellow obstructionist Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV).

According to new FEC filings, Sinema brought in $1.6 million in Quarter 4, only $33,983 of which was designated donations of less than $200 (i.e., ones from ordinary people).

She also drew money from additional Republican megadonors like financier George Roberts, groups like the American Petroleum Institute, and companies like Fox News, whose political action committee, Fox Corp, gave her $5,000. Sen. Manchin has also received money from the Fox Corp. PAC.''

Sinema has been backed by a long line of special interest groups. She's voted in their interests as often as she can." 
                                                                                                    Jack Crosbie, Rolling Stone

So, do we have any more questions why the Democrats cannot count on these two Democrats to help them get bills passed that the majority of Americans are waiting to receive?  Arizona and West Virginia didn't elect senators - they elected self-employed bankers!

These two are rolling in money that comes from the "enemy camp." And, of course, it doesn't seem to make any difference where it came from - the votes of Manchin and Sinema seem to always go to the "right" place.

American politics is down and dirty and transparent for anyone to see. There was a time when it was hush-hush business, but the politicians don't care because they're safe until their re-election cycle. And when their re-election comes around, we never seem to learn how to boot them out of office.

Money, money, money! . . until we get it out of politics we'll never be able to call our nation a democracy with a straight face!

Former Montana Governor Speaks The Truth. . .

The RNC Just Doesn't Get It. . . 

Former Montana Governor Marc Racicot wrote to the current Republican National Committee Chairwoman, Ronna Romney McDaniel, requesting that she and the RNC board withdraw and dismiss their resolution rebuking and deserting Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. 

"It is a sad day, indeed. Having held the same position that you presently occupy two decades ago, I would never have imagined that the day would come when the chair of the Republican National Committee and its members would rebuke and desert two GOP members of the United States House of Representatives, who, consistent with the Constitution, their oath of office and their conscience, have been performing their assigned congressional duties with honor and integrity pursuant to the lawful passage of a House resolution. I urge the pursuit of this remedy with the understanding that we're human, that politics is a competitive enterprise and that sometimes we make mistakes."                 -The Helena IR 2/15/2022                              

Racicot's letter, in its entirety, was published in the Helena Independent Record Feb. 15th. I encourage you to read it.

The involvement by many members of their own party in the Jan. 6th insurrection is alarming, but rebuking two of their own who are working hard to get to the bottom of the treasonous act is ludicrous! It has all of the appearance of the RNC doing their best to silence anyone who seeks - and speaks -  the truth.

Marc Racicot gets it. Today's RNC doesn't.

But soon the RNC will.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

The GOP's Natural Selection and Survival of the Fittest is in question. . .

English naturalist Charles Darwin developed the idea of natural selection, which is a process through which living organisms adapt and change. Individuals in a population are naturally variable, meaning that they are all different in some ways. This variation means that some individuals have traits better suited to the environment than others. In other words, it becomes a survival of the fittest.

Fast forward to 2021 and the presidential loss by Donald trump.

The Grand Old Party of Republicans entered what you could call a period of "natural selection." Some of the congressional members who are members of that party were faced with a delicate decision to make. Would their character traits be better suited for re-election if they survived and reproduced under Trump?  Or, would they be better suited to continue evolving if they survived as the fittest in the Grand Old Party? 

As Darwin pointed out, some species will evolve into an awkward and mentally regressive specimen and will, in the end, become extinct. The species will meet it fateful demise. Many think the Republican Party of Trump is that unfit candidate to be a long term species. There has been too much inbreeding and a poor quality of character genes.

What to do. . . what to do?

Natural selection can lead to speciation, where one species gives rise to a new and distinctly different species. It is one of the processes that drives evolution and helps to explain the diversity of life on Earth.

Is the Republican Party of Trump the fittest to survive?  Are they to become the party to carry on the evolution of their political species? Or, will they be the one to initially lurch forward, only to be swept into the dust bin of history and be the ending of their species?

Well, I think we all know the answer to that.  The only thing to watch for now is how well the Grand Old Party can convince the Party of Trump that their cult is headed for the dead end in their evolution line. 

And natural selection's survival of the fittest waits for no one!

Read more of my heartwarming opinions at

The proverbial Peter Principle. . .


The Peter Principle: "The principle that anyone who is promoted - or elected - until they reach the level at which they are no longer competent."

While the above montage of photos displaying right-wing, white supremacists in the U.S. House of Representatives is plentiful, it is by no means the entire basket of fools. For this talking point, however, it will be a sufficient number.

We are sure there is no need to run their names below the illustration. The evil exploits of these twits are well known and some are daily splashed across our television screens and newspaper pages. Their infamous scandals and incomprehensible chatter drills into our brains at sleep time. Their two greatest joys in life are making a spectacle of themselves to gain attention and inciting their base of nincompoop voters back home to send them donations for their re-election. Other than that, they're pretty much useless to our congressional needs. 

These people should be back at school somewhere. College is in some of their credentials, but it certainly doesn't show in their congressional and personal lives. Most would certainly gain a better handle on life in general if they returned to high school. Perhaps the skill they lack the most is proper communications.  How in the world anyone can figure out what they doing in congress is a mystery. They are a speed bump on our nation's roadway to success!

When we consider the positions they hold, we must understand their greatest deficiency:  The inability to know truth from fiction - or to know the difference but choose to advance the fiction to satisfy their base of donors and voters. 

To purge them from congressional rolls is "job one!"


Sarah's Being Bad. . .

Sarah Palin is an American politician, a feisty and noisy television commentator, author, reality television personality, and dingbat who served as the 9th governor of Alaska from 2006 until her resignation in 2009. She was vice presidential running mate with Sen. John McCain and their attempt was unsuccessful. She was born in 1964 in Sandpoint, Idaho. Todd Palin filed for divorce from Sarah on August 29, 2019, citing "incompatibility of temperament." The divorce was finalized on March 23, 2020. (Some information from Wikipedia) 

She has been the butt of many jokes across the country and the ink and airwaves of many editorials that most public people endure.

"Palin is presently involved in a libel lawsuit against the New York Times, seeking redress for a factual error that was quickly corrected. She knows the whole episode has enhanced, not damaged, her reputation with the partisans on whom her political and financial fortunes depend. Her target is less the man who wrote the error and much more the news organization her confederates on the right have seethed over since the Nixon era.

She is seeking unspecified damages based on claims that an editorial in the Times hurt her "budding career as a political commentator." The Times the factual mistake in an editorial "and it acted as quickly as possible to correct that mistake." The mistake was "not a political hit job" and was about gun laws rather than Palin. There was no actual malice, which must be proven in a libel case." 
                                                     - from the New York Times
Palin said her lawsuit is about getting, "Justice for people who expect truth in the media." 

Sarah Palin finds herself without a husband, without a political office, and probably low on funds. She is mother of five and a former beauty queen and until Sen. McCain made a mistake in picking her for his possible vice presidential candidate, was little know outside of Alaska. She describes herself as "just an average hockey mom." 

During one moment in the trial, Palin was testifying and did not like the question the defense attorney asked of her. She turned to the judge and said, "Objection!" (The judge and everyone in the court room found it amusing.)

Will our gal Sarah, from the Alaskan town of Wasilla, find fame and fortune - lots of fortune -  from the big bad New York Times?

Do pigs really wear lipstick?

Facts, plus a very fine Opinion by
John Watson

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Oh, Canada. . . what have we sent to you?

Scene from downtown Vancouver

Oh, Canada. . . we are so sorry. We didn't mean to export our Trump and QAnon banner-waving nitwits to your roads and streets.  We have been so wrapped up in our own mess that we just didn't see this Trump-incited wreck heading north.

This ginned-up "give me liberty or give me a war" has got to stop. The Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, QAnons, and various other white supremacists are doing their damnedest to plow our democracy into the ground. They let our former president fill their heads with false nonsense and turned them loose on our rule of law and our constitution. 

We are trying to right our ship of state, but even our own right-wing congressional officeholders are pushing back. You can probably smell the stench clear up where you are.

I'm sure you watch the beginning of our civil war 2.0 on television and wonder what the hell has happened to us.  Well, we're wondering the same thing.  You see, this bumpkin named Trump came wandering through the pumpkin patch and managed to get elected with the help of some foreign enemies and some foolish fellow Republicans who thought they had been out of power long enough. To make this long and soulful story shorter, we finally got rid of him but he and his cohorts just don't want to leave. It's like giving someone a going-away party only they don't go away!

We'll get it resolved some day, but it's tough on the nerves. 

Now, it's spilling over into other countries - like your beautiful land. We wouldn't complain if you threw them all in jail. It's where they all belong.

God knows, we can't seem to do it here!

You wouldn't have any of those Mounties from Hallmark's "When calls the Heart" you could spare? We could sure use some.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Jimmy's got some 'splainin' to do. . .

Rep. Jim Jordan is serving as the U.S. representative for Ohio's 4th congressional district since 2007.

He is a Trump Republican, 57 years old, and was educated at Capital University Law School. He held state offices in Ohio as Senator (2001-2006) and Rep. (1995-2000).

He was raised in Champaign County, Ohio, graduating from Graham High School in 10982, where he was a four-time state champion in wrestling with a record of 150-1.

The pinnacle of his life's achievements, however, was the Presidential Medal of Freedom given to him by President Trump in a private setting one week after the Jan. 6th insurrection.  There is no reason given for the medal or why it was given in a secret setting. Other than, of course, that Jordan is now under investigation for his many phone calls with the president just prior and on the day of January 6th.

He is an unapologetic lackey of the former president and to this day believes the presidential race was stolen and we should go to war to get it back for him.

The congressman is ruthless in the way he handles his work in the House. He drapes his coat over the chair and will usually be the only one in shirtsleeves while the House is in session. 

Someone put one too many headlocks on him in his wrestling days and he gives an all new meanings to the word "feisty." His mouth is always moving and it usually moves to the beat of an Army Browning Automatic Rifle. Insulting and boorish accusations drip from his tongue and spill out passed his lips in a rapid fashion while he speaks to liberal members of the House as well as questioning anyone appearing before him to give testimony to his committee.

He is the most  quintessential, pompous, know-it-all, ass the U.S. House as seen in anyone's memory. 

And, to repeat myself, why in the heck did Trump give him that medal, in secret, in the broom closet, in the Oval Office?

Our boy Jimmy has some 'splainin' to do!

Another fine opinion from
John Watson