Tuesday, February 22, 2022

CIVIL WAR 2.0 . . .

President Lincoln and the run-up to the Civil War should be on all of our minds these days. There are so many frightening similarities that shake me to my core and the more they prey on my mind, the more frightening they become.

In the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1860, Douglas championed "popular sovereignty," the idea that territories wanting to become states should be able to decide whether to enter the Union slave or free. He led passage of the "Compromise of 1850" and the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, which adopted popular sovereignty. That brought with it the possibility that slavery would be extended to states north of the southern border of Missouri - negating the Missouri Compromise of 1820 that had barred slavery north of Missouri's southern border.

Seven southern states left the Union over slavery and the war began.

Today, America's southern states, plus a few others that are under Republican control, grumble about leaving the Union,  but the idea passes when they lie down, take a nap, and dream of all those federal dollars that pour into their coffers. What doesn't pass, however, is their racist thoughts. 

It's been 161 years since our Civil War began and by the most-accepted estimates, there were 360,222 Union deaths and 258,000 Confederate deaths beginning April 12, 1861 and ending April 9, 1865. 

Today, our nation is as divided as it was in 1861. And, the reason is the desires of the Republican Party of Trump want things to return to the "good ol' days of pre-1860."  When life was carefree, mint julips and a delicious dinner on the veranda, cigars to be lit by the colored butler, and an evening of watching the slaves in the fields next to the house, working 'til dark! One tried to run away this afternoon, but his achilles tendons were cut so he couldn't run anymore, but he is able to pick cotton.

You know, the "good ol' days."

Census experts are saying the whites in America will be in the minority by 2045. You can bet the White Supremacists have read that piece of news and have already ordered their women to begin sewing white hoods and robes.  I think back twenty-three years ago and that isn't really much time. To a soon-to-be minority, it's gonna' fly by!

As a matter of fact, it is my belief that more than white hoods and robes have been on their agenda. They joined a man named Trump to get the party started early. Think about the rallies, the marching in the street, the disruption on commercial airplanes, the shootings, the increase in racial tension (as if we needed any more), and general animosity around the nation. People are mad at people for very little reason. Violence is in the air so thick you could cut it with a butcher knife.  The White Supremacists, White Nationalists, Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, and QAnons are springing up everywhere. They're coming out of the woodwork and they're ALL WHITE. 

And, they're all pissed. 

Why are they?  Because not one Republican is going to like being looked down on as an American minority!

That's why!

Case closed. Not you can get ready for Civil War 2.0.

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