Monday, February 28, 2022

Rosendale is a Republican Obstructionist. . .

Rep. Matt Rosendale  (R-MT) has been a Republican obstructionist in the U.S. House of Representatives as long as he has been there, and he isn't getting any better!

"He voted with a small cadre of GOP naysayers, just 14 in total, to vote against establishing June 19th each year as a national holiday to commemorate the end of slavery, a measure that also received unanimous support in the Senate. Forty-eight states, including Montana, already recognized the day as a sate or ceremonial holiday.

Rosendale has voted to align himself with the most extreme elements of Congress - the caucus of denial, those who voice support for law enforcement but won't even acknowledge the heroism of the police who risked their lives to save those same members of Congress from a violent mob on Jan. 6th. He voted against awarding the Congressional Gold Metal to police officers who defended the Capitol during the Jan. 6th insurrection. The measure passed 406-21 in the House and unanimously in the Senate.

If we're looking for constructive legislation aimed at solving problems that are facing Montanans, we need to look to someone else."                                       - excerpts from the Bozeman Daily Chronicle

Montanans are woefully underrepresented in Congress. Rep. Matt Rosendale found a ripe patch of Republican voters in Montana to help him get back to his beloved Maryland. We gave him a free ride home. Now, let's make sure he stays there!



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