Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Supreme Court Justices are into Politics Up To Their Eyeballs. . .


On an otherwise nice day last week, United States Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch spoke to a horde of ultra-right wing activists at the Federalist Society. Other extremists who spoke were former vice president Mike Pence and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.  If you are not aware of the Federalists Society, it is filled with millionaires and billionaires - and mostly lawyers and law clerks. You can smell the money, power, and arrogance permeate the ornate conference room.

This, of course, is the hallowed ground where right-wing politicians and Supreme Court Justices frolic in grand style. Former vice president Pence spoke on this day to tell the world Trump was wrong in saying he, Pence, could overturn the election and it would be fine if they wanted to support his candidacy for president in 2024. . .now that's he has forgiven himself for everything that happened prior to and on the day of Jan. 6th!

Gov. DeSantis is another matter. He bellied up to the bar and gave those in attendance a report on his glowing personality and right-wing stance on everything under the sun. He was also letting the money and power crowd know that he would be ready to step into the race should you-know-who decide not to run.

Justice Neil Gorsuch is another matter - completely! He is so far to the right that he would have to look to his left to recognize Genghis Khan. His words to the Federalists Society are unknown because the media was not invited to listen. He is a Supreme Court Justice, you know, and his life is dedicated to  completely, absolutely, positively, and unequivocally non-partisanship of the law! There is nothing in his head, heart, and voice except that which the law book states. And that be the truth! (spit) 

Of course, no one stepped up to explain why they forbid the press from hearing his totally non-partisan words of wisdom. Outside of the hall, however, the press can hear the thundering round of applause when he finishes.  It would be fair to say it was undoubtedly pro-business with spirited moments of "lib jokes" and other such left-wing falderal. 

We no more have a non-partisan supreme court than we have a non-partisan U.S. House and Senate.

They've just been telling us that for so long, I think they might even believe it themselves.

Until now. 

Now comes the revolution!

These justices need limited terms of office!

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