Monday, February 21, 2022

Our nation's DISRUPTORS. . .

 Right-Wing Nuts at a School Board Meeting

This is getting serious, folks. These low-intelligence, high-octane shock-troopers of the right-wing are invading our school board and city council meetings with some false notion that they are doing something important for our communities. The only thing they have in their arsenal of ideas, however, is the ability to yell and scream about something they know little about. Their ultimate plan is to simply disrupt! 

A former United States President taught them that if you want action - even if it's something you know little about - all you have to do is make a lot of noise and DISRUPT life as we know it! 

These radicalized disruptors have but one purpose: Remove our dedicated board members and replace them with loyal right-wing acolytes. Their modus operandi is revolting! There are reports of "kill the superintendents!" and "Kill their family members!" The more hostile the remarks, the better these disruptors like it. Their ultimate mission is to begin the various replacements with the lowest level of elected officials in the nation, such as city council, school boards, county officials, and then move on up the ladder. They need to convince the voters in the communities that the current officials are taking America down a dark and evil path.

The ultimate goal of the Republican Party of Trump and all who worship at their feet is to turn upside-down the way we look at our excellent education system and various community services. From there, they can work their way up the line of all elected offices until they control most, if not all, national offices. First and foremost, however, is the need to start at the roots of government control!

They have a big task, but they have a good start. When they overpower our communities, they overpower our states. From there, the only job left is to shove national problems back to there state controllers. And this, America, is how an authoritarian government begins, and at that point, you have little-to-no recourse!

We can't let them continue.  This is one fight we absolutely cannot afford to lose.

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