Monday, February 7, 2022

It's time to grow up and rejoin the human race. . .

  You can't make me do that!

That is something we would expect a bratty child to say. Their minds cannot grasp the words like "authority" and "rules."  They haven't seen the big picture of things, yet.  At a young age, they only want what they want and they know when they want it.

Today, we have grown adults who have the same problems. They either never learned that we must all live by rules or somewhere along life's road they decided rules were only meant for others. 

Wearing masks, social distancing, and vaccinations are good examples. They are meant to protect all of us from becoming infected, spending very uncomfortable time in a hospital, or worse yet - death.  We have just surpassed 900,000 deaths in America from this Covid-19 pandemic.  How many of those do you suppose could have been prevented?

But, we have the "it's my right" nincompoops who seem to enjoy marching around and proclaiming to the heavens, "You can't make me do that". . . or, "I have my rights and you can't tell me what to do!"

It's their chance to spit in the face of authority.  They evidently can't comprehend the fact that their juvenile behavior is causing severe illness and death.

This ridiculous protesting that was borne of politics is as asinine as it looks. It's time to stop it an rejoin the human race!

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