Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Jimmy's got some 'splainin' to do. . .

Rep. Jim Jordan is serving as the U.S. representative for Ohio's 4th congressional district since 2007.

He is a Trump Republican, 57 years old, and was educated at Capital University Law School. He held state offices in Ohio as Senator (2001-2006) and Rep. (1995-2000).

He was raised in Champaign County, Ohio, graduating from Graham High School in 10982, where he was a four-time state champion in wrestling with a record of 150-1.

The pinnacle of his life's achievements, however, was the Presidential Medal of Freedom given to him by President Trump in a private setting one week after the Jan. 6th insurrection.  There is no reason given for the medal or why it was given in a secret setting. Other than, of course, that Jordan is now under investigation for his many phone calls with the president just prior and on the day of January 6th.

He is an unapologetic lackey of the former president and to this day believes the presidential race was stolen and we should go to war to get it back for him.

The congressman is ruthless in the way he handles his work in the House. He drapes his coat over the chair and will usually be the only one in shirtsleeves while the House is in session. 

Someone put one too many headlocks on him in his wrestling days and he gives an all new meanings to the word "feisty." His mouth is always moving and it usually moves to the beat of an Army Browning Automatic Rifle. Insulting and boorish accusations drip from his tongue and spill out passed his lips in a rapid fashion while he speaks to liberal members of the House as well as questioning anyone appearing before him to give testimony to his committee.

He is the most  quintessential, pompous, know-it-all, ass the U.S. House as seen in anyone's memory. 

And, to repeat myself, why in the heck did Trump give him that medal, in secret, in the broom closet, in the Oval Office?

Our boy Jimmy has some 'splainin' to do!

Another fine opinion from
John Watson

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