Thursday, February 24, 2022

The thundering hoofbeats of AG Knudsen. . .

Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen rode his horsey to America's southern border to see what he could see. He visited the Rio Grande Valley Sector in Texas to see the border for himself and hear directly from public safety officials who are dealing with the crisis every damn day. What he saw was "eye-opening!" (Translated: The Texas Republicans he talked to opened his eyes to a talking point.)

Why he decided to take a junket to the screwed up state of Texas on Montana taxpayers' dime is a mystery. Could it be he just wanted to get some more "talking points" on how to mess with our voting rights? Texas would certainly be the place to learn from the best on voter suppression!

And what he saw was crime. Crime to the east of him. Crime to the West of him.  And crime from the south of him. Crime that is raging on and is clearly hurting Montana. Of course, we aren't aware of it because it's not on the front pages of newspapers or the evening news on television. I think he also got that chapter out of the Republican "book of political talking points."

As attorney general, he's taking action to "force President Biden to uphold they law and lessen the impacts of drugs and crime on Montana communities. Of course, this is aimed at "President Biden's dangerous immigration policies" and he plans to take him to court. The GOP will not stand for those "future liberal voters" coming across our southern borders.

We knew he'd get around to that. That topic is in the GOP "book of political talking points," as well.

As a native Montanan of eight-three years, I would suggest to this young GOP whipper-snapper that he spend his time advising his fellow Republicans on leaving personal rights of all Montanans alone and leave the border problems to the federal government. I'm sure that since his election he is full of ego, pee, and vinegar, but he is not ready to be an adviser to our president.

This Gianforte administration charged into power like a bull in a china shop with the battle plans of Genghis Khan. 

They are, however, governing like a horde of Trump mobsters and thugs!



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