Tuesday, February 1, 2022

A Question With No Answer. . .

Why is he still here?

He has been found guilty by the people of America for attempting to overturn the 2020 presidential election, inciting an insurrection on our Capitol that caused death and destruction, prepared plans to confiscate voting machines, and is still, in some degree of ownership, still in charge of the Republican Party. He continues his ridiculous "rallies" that threaten the peace and stability of America by telling all that "I'm not done yet and I still have more hell to raise!"

So, why is he still relevant?  Why are so many Republicans in offices of power in our government so beholding to him? Why hasn't he been brought up on the charges that everyone knows he is guilty of? He no longer does his treasonous deeds in the dark since he apparently has no fear of retribution from anyone - least of all our Department of Justice.

So, why is he still here?

Why hasn't someone who cares about his health and welfare told him to shut up and go away? Why hasn't someone impressed on him that he had four years of the most powerful job on the planet, lost a chance at another four years, and should now do what any former president has done: Go live the life of a former president.

His refusal to go away is giving his "base" a reason to stick around, too. And, his insistence on claiming his election was stolen is stringing along many office holders in his party. They are caught in the "neitherland" of supporting him or forgetting him. A land where there seems to be no rules, and strange and threatening words fall out of their mouths like vomit. There is no concern in the "neitherland" for our constitution, rule of law, or our democracy. Americans are beginning to think that both the former president and his unruly Republican members of the U.S. House and Senate seem to be planning a Civil War II - or at least streets filled with feuding tribes.

The U.S. House Committee investigating the Jan. 6th insurrection is feverishly working to get to the bottom of the horrific crime that was committed that day. 

The real crime, however, was committed days before Jan. 6th and the days since. The former president, his band of criminal lawyers, members of his inner circle, and Party members of Congress who were all complicit are refusing to give up on the "Big Lie" and are planning to overthrow the next election that does not go their way.

That is the core of the entire problem.

So, we ask again. Why is he - and many of his tribe - still here?

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