Monday, February 21, 2022

OOOPS. . . This ain't working out like they planned!

Dang it, the Montana Republican Party of Trump just can't seem to get the dance steps right. It ain't supposed to be a one forward, two back, and step on your partner's foot. But, however you want to dance, Mr. Attorney General. 

We all learned at an early age - except for Republicans, I guess - that when you point a finger at someone, you will notice that when you look down at your hand there will be three fingers pointing back at you.

I reckon that's what happened when the governor, attorney general, and a raft of pointy-headed little Republicans in the State Legislature pointed a finger at all of those "hundreds of thousands of Montana's shameful hussies" who are getting abortions every year. "Nasty and vile women and girls!"  Mercy me, what are saintly Christian Conservative Republican folks supposed to think? 

Well, it seems the Montana Constitution has a few words about abortions and even if the U.S. Supreme Court decides to upend Roe v. Wade, they will still be made available in Montana. Hence, our state will become a haven for abortions for women across the nation!

Mercy, mercy, little Percy. . . what will the State GOP do about this revolting turn of events?  They must find a way to stop those "horrible women" from creating a blight on our fair state. Everyone knows that abortions are only available for the favored few Republican ladies. (lol, as they say on social media)

Watching them get out of this tangled web will be strictly a spectator's sport. I am assuming, of course, that this will mean an additional item on the Special Session's agenda. I'm sure they will come up with a "quick fix" to save face, but they're finding out that politics ain't nothing to fool around with. 

Maybe they could simply spend some time and research why a relative handful of women in Montana actually look for abortions. They might be greatly surprised. 

Or, they could just keep messing around like they have two right feet until they've backed themselves off the dance floor and out the door.

And wouldn't that be nice!

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