Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Is that a concealed weapon or are you just happy to see me?

Before we can order Montanans to wear a mask or get a Covid vaccination, we must first make sure they get their concealed weapon permit. It's fast and easy. If you do it on-line, it shouldn't take more than ten minutes. 

From the comfort of your private den or gun room, you could apply for the permit and feel fully safe the next time you head out on the town. Just follow the directions on the screen and you'll have your permit in no time.

Have you experienced law enforcement tailing you too closely? Do you have enemies that may be out to do you harm? Are there strange children playing in your yard after dark? Does the meat cutter at the grocery story act a bit grumpy? What about that next bible-thumper who knocks on your door while you're trying to take a nap?

Won't they be surprised when you whip open your shirt or coat and expose that piece of iron you're packin'.

Hold your head high, Montanan. . . you have a legal permit to hide that piece where no one will ever expect it. Maybe a swivel shoulder holster will give you that extra edge before that guy at your door in a black suit, white shirt, and tie can say a word. You could draw and jam the muzzle of that Glock into his nose before he knows what happened.

Our governor signed this satisfying bill into law and Republicans around the state are signing up newly chartered Vigilante groups as we speak. It's been an answer to their prayers.

The next time the governor is asked a question he doesn't like from a news reporter, instead of a body-slam, maybe he'll be able to unzip his pants, pull out his concealed weapon, and pee all over the poor guy.

Yessir, Montana Republicans. . . you sure made yourselves proud this time!

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