Saturday, February 12, 2022

The proverbial Peter Principle. . .


The Peter Principle: "The principle that anyone who is promoted - or elected - until they reach the level at which they are no longer competent."

While the above montage of photos displaying right-wing, white supremacists in the U.S. House of Representatives is plentiful, it is by no means the entire basket of fools. For this talking point, however, it will be a sufficient number.

We are sure there is no need to run their names below the illustration. The evil exploits of these twits are well known and some are daily splashed across our television screens and newspaper pages. Their infamous scandals and incomprehensible chatter drills into our brains at sleep time. Their two greatest joys in life are making a spectacle of themselves to gain attention and inciting their base of nincompoop voters back home to send them donations for their re-election. Other than that, they're pretty much useless to our congressional needs. 

These people should be back at school somewhere. College is in some of their credentials, but it certainly doesn't show in their congressional and personal lives. Most would certainly gain a better handle on life in general if they returned to high school. Perhaps the skill they lack the most is proper communications.  How in the world anyone can figure out what they doing in congress is a mystery. They are a speed bump on our nation's roadway to success!

When we consider the positions they hold, we must understand their greatest deficiency:  The inability to know truth from fiction - or to know the difference but choose to advance the fiction to satisfy their base of donors and voters. 

To purge them from congressional rolls is "job one!"


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