Saturday, February 5, 2022

"If thy right (wing) offend thee, cut if off. . . "

They Have Blood On Their Hands 
That Won't Wash Off

Formerly known as the Grand Old Party, and now known as the Republican Party of Trump, they have stumbled far out into the field of weeds and thorns. They have lost their moral compass and sold their souls to a man called Trump. 

As each of the U.S. House and Senate Republican members search for a palatable answer to why the have "spent too long at the (Trump) Fair," they find themselves more entangled in the muck, mire, and brambles of desperation. Their five years at the knee of the great one should be more than enough to bury their careers. 

The most reprehensible statement that could be released by the party is their description of what happened on Jan. 6, 2021: "Legitimate Political Discourse." There was absolutely nothing "legitimate" about what that mob was doing and if that is the party's idea of "political discourse," then the Republican Party is not only lost but they are not worth sending out a search party to find them.

Republican members of Congress who communicated with the then-president before and the day of Jan. 6th are trying to plead a faulty memory. Rep. Jim Jordan spoke with Trump several times before the attack on our Capitol and a ten-minute call the morning of Jan. 6th. He says he can't remember.  Who could forget a phone call from the president the morning we nearly lost our election, our government, our rule of law, and our constitution?

There are many Republican congressional members who were aware and/or complicit in what happened that fateful day and they are now hiding in the weeds and waiting for an all-clear signal to return home. Some have decided to not run again, but too many are arrogantly ignoring their crimes and trying to move forward in their re-election efforts.

I have news for them.  There will never be an all-clear to return because there will never be an all-clear signal. They will be hounded until they accept the punishment they deserve or they can resign and try to escape the wrath of our justice system!

As for the former vice president: He is trying to clear his name and pursue his goal to win his party's nominee for the 2024 election. He will have no more luck clearing himself than any of his right-wing cohorts. The vice president was as much up to his eyebrows in the planning of the vicious coup on our government as the other complicit compadres

We voters must stand firm on the future of the Republican Party of Trump. It has no future in its present state and we cannot let a single one of them ever again hold office in our government.

They have chosen a path that is not ours. They have categorically removed themselves from our constitution, our rule of law, our justice system, and our democracy.

How could anyone vote for such a candidate as that?


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