Thursday, February 10, 2022

Oh, Canada. . . what have we sent to you?

Scene from downtown Vancouver

Oh, Canada. . . we are so sorry. We didn't mean to export our Trump and QAnon banner-waving nitwits to your roads and streets.  We have been so wrapped up in our own mess that we just didn't see this Trump-incited wreck heading north.

This ginned-up "give me liberty or give me a war" has got to stop. The Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, QAnons, and various other white supremacists are doing their damnedest to plow our democracy into the ground. They let our former president fill their heads with false nonsense and turned them loose on our rule of law and our constitution. 

We are trying to right our ship of state, but even our own right-wing congressional officeholders are pushing back. You can probably smell the stench clear up where you are.

I'm sure you watch the beginning of our civil war 2.0 on television and wonder what the hell has happened to us.  Well, we're wondering the same thing.  You see, this bumpkin named Trump came wandering through the pumpkin patch and managed to get elected with the help of some foreign enemies and some foolish fellow Republicans who thought they had been out of power long enough. To make this long and soulful story shorter, we finally got rid of him but he and his cohorts just don't want to leave. It's like giving someone a going-away party only they don't go away!

We'll get it resolved some day, but it's tough on the nerves. 

Now, it's spilling over into other countries - like your beautiful land. We wouldn't complain if you threw them all in jail. It's where they all belong.

God knows, we can't seem to do it here!

You wouldn't have any of those Mounties from Hallmark's "When calls the Heart" you could spare? We could sure use some.

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