Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Former Montana Governor Speaks The Truth. . .

The RNC Just Doesn't Get It. . . 

Former Montana Governor Marc Racicot wrote to the current Republican National Committee Chairwoman, Ronna Romney McDaniel, requesting that she and the RNC board withdraw and dismiss their resolution rebuking and deserting Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. 

"It is a sad day, indeed. Having held the same position that you presently occupy two decades ago, I would never have imagined that the day would come when the chair of the Republican National Committee and its members would rebuke and desert two GOP members of the United States House of Representatives, who, consistent with the Constitution, their oath of office and their conscience, have been performing their assigned congressional duties with honor and integrity pursuant to the lawful passage of a House resolution. I urge the pursuit of this remedy with the understanding that we're human, that politics is a competitive enterprise and that sometimes we make mistakes."                 -The Helena IR 2/15/2022                              

Racicot's letter, in its entirety, was published in the Helena Independent Record Feb. 15th. I encourage you to read it.

The involvement by many members of their own party in the Jan. 6th insurrection is alarming, but rebuking two of their own who are working hard to get to the bottom of the treasonous act is ludicrous! It has all of the appearance of the RNC doing their best to silence anyone who seeks - and speaks -  the truth.

Marc Racicot gets it. Today's RNC doesn't.

But soon the RNC will.

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