Friday, February 18, 2022

The Guilt of Misfits and Egomaniacs. . .

"At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; 
separated from law and justice he is the worst." 

Can the stain and stench be removed through the court system or will it be forever attached to our souls? Will they finally be a distant memory or will we be plagued with their criminal and treasonous acts throughout our lives and into eternity?

This family of misfits and egomaniacs have trampled on our sanity and ripped apart our rule of law in broad daylight. Their success can only be attributed to the complicit behavior of the congressional members of his party and the ragtag street urchins who served as his "base." 

How could we have been so stupid?  How completely divided into tribes are we? How can we let our nation be so divided that we find ourselves on the doorstep of a civil war 2.0? 

Who do we blame for this vicious attack on our democracy that is still an unsettled deal. We are teetering on the brink of disaster as the fires of divisive hate still rages. 

This crime family is still stuck in our nightmares and won't give us peaceful sleep. As we battle Covid-19, the hate that lingers on our streets, our schools, and in our skies, we find ourselves beaten to a frazzle. Hate is the word of the day and the frightening fear of the night.

Will justice be served and will the guilt of this family bring his reign of undeserved political power to an end? 

But what of the complicit ones? What will become of them? Will they be proven guilty and brought to justice? They are scattered across our nation in pursuit of similar authoritarian power in our state houses. Their uncivil plans are no different than the scandalous plans that were set into motion in our nation's capitol

There is still much to do. There is still much we must do!

An Opinion by
John Watson

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