Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Money Grubbers in the Enemy Camp. . .

"Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) is raking in cash from Republican donors, including at least one who's also been propping up fellow obstructionist Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV).

According to new FEC filings, Sinema brought in $1.6 million in Quarter 4, only $33,983 of which was designated donations of less than $200 (i.e., ones from ordinary people).

She also drew money from additional Republican megadonors like financier George Roberts, groups like the American Petroleum Institute, and companies like Fox News, whose political action committee, Fox Corp, gave her $5,000. Sen. Manchin has also received money from the Fox Corp. PAC.''

Sinema has been backed by a long line of special interest groups. She's voted in their interests as often as she can." 
                                                                                                    Jack Crosbie, Rolling Stone

So, do we have any more questions why the Democrats cannot count on these two Democrats to help them get bills passed that the majority of Americans are waiting to receive?  Arizona and West Virginia didn't elect senators - they elected self-employed bankers!

These two are rolling in money that comes from the "enemy camp." And, of course, it doesn't seem to make any difference where it came from - the votes of Manchin and Sinema seem to always go to the "right" place.

American politics is down and dirty and transparent for anyone to see. There was a time when it was hush-hush business, but the politicians don't care because they're safe until their re-election cycle. And when their re-election comes around, we never seem to learn how to boot them out of office.

Money, money, money! . . until we get it out of politics we'll never be able to call our nation a democracy with a straight face!

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