Saturday, February 26, 2022

"Conservative judges do no legislate from the bench - only Liberal judges do that. . . "

Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) is a hypocrite -  first, last, and always. He has perfected the talent of talking out of each sides of his mouth while fooling no one.

President Biden's choice for Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is a highly-respected judge who is considered an excellent person by all who know her. She has been twice-confirmed for lower courts in recent times.

That, however, is not good enough for our man Steve. He isn't going to be happy until Biden selects someone from the pool of Republicans. When the former president nominated three right-wing, conservative-to-the-hilt Justices to the U.S. Supreme Court, Daines said nary a word about them. The more to the right, the better! 

With Jackson, there seems to be a problem for Daines. Biden should have looked for someone more in the middle - or maybe a little to the right. Listen to his analysis of Biden's choice of Judge Jackson:

"Any Supreme Court Justice must understand the importance of not legislating from the bench and upholding the Constitution. With that said, I'm disappointed that President Biden chose to appeal to his far-left base with this nomination, rather than listen to voices on both sides of the aisle calling for a Supreme Court nominee who would enjoy strong bi-partisan support and consensus."

Jackson was confirmed to be U.S. Circuit Judge for the District of Columbia Circuit by a 53-44 vote on June 14, 2021. Daines opposed the confirmation.

Our junior senator is wandering around out in the weeds again and doing his Trump impression of "solidifying his base with nonsensical hypocrisy."

Our man Daines had best wake up and realize his senate career is coming to an end and all that's important right now is to do some damage control on his reputation for the history books. Otherwise, his hypocritical words and deeds are going to be very unkind to him.

You will still have a conservative majority on the court, senator. Loosen up - your Republican Party of Trump is nearing its end anyway. Maybe you can work on reprising the former Grand Old Party and getting it right this time.

Opinion by John Watson


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