We're on the cusp of something. . .

The Evil Elephants

Don't ever let a Republican lie to you or cheat you because they'll drag you down to their level. . . and then beat you with experience.

This nation is on the cusp of something no sane person would have ever imagined. The political insanity of the Grand Old Party has transgressed into the treasonous, corrupt, and deceptive actions of the Republican Party of Trump. This new Party is on the threshold of over-turning our democracy, our constitution, and our rule of law. They are planning a deliberate suppression and nullification of our future elections. They nearly succeeded in overturning our last national election and giving the losing presidential candidate four more years in office.

All of this, and they neither deny their evil intentions nor do they give a damn about it. Their object is to win at all cost!

These are the evil elephants!

The reason for their uprising is clear. They are smart enough to read and when they do they find out that the white race in America will become the minority in approximately twenty years. This information is like kryptonite to Superman. They will not be able to handle it because it will wipe out about ninety percent of their reason for living. Their political party will have to rewrite about ninety-eight percent of their stated platform. They will turn into a melted puddle of reddish goo. They will be victimized by women, people of color, socialists, union workers, and all enemies of the former president. Their lives will be a living hell. Their chances of making great gobs of corrupt money will dry up. Their greed for power will be but a dream. America's main-stream media will expose their once-sorted lifestyles.

This is the future for the evil elephants. . . unless they can somehow come to the realization that we can all live happily ever after. We are all humans, you know. Except for that tiny fraction of skin surface, we are all the same inside. When given the chance, we can all think alike. We all, assumedly, love our country. We could all work together to make it better. It is possible. It is preferred. It is the American way.

What do you say, elephants?



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