Friday, September 4, 2020

His Words, Beyond Belief and Explanation

His quotes are on the pages of a well-known national publication.  The rest of America's media outlets are following up with the story.  He, of course, is denying all of it. If his comments were falsely stated, there is going to be one hell of a libel case hitting the courts in the very near future.

What is this all about? 

The Atlantic reported on Thursday, Sept. 3rd, 2020 that "four people with firsthand knowledge" quoted the president saying that U.S. Military personnel who were captured or killed were "suckers" and "losers."  The story also captures a moment when he asks his schedulers, "Why do I need to go visit a cemetery of dead soldiers." 

We all remember how he responded to a remark about Sen. John McCain as an American Hero.  He said, "I don't think anyone who gets captured is a hero.  Hero's are those who don't get captured."

We all have to remember who we're talking about here.  The president's father (with his obvious assistance) got him at least six deferments from military service so he could not be drafted and sent to Vietnam.  It was for a bone spur in his heel as reported by a family physician, which, by the way,  did not stop him from playing sports in college.

And yet, he said on national television that he "knows more about how to run our military than the generals."  Pretty good for a six-time draft dodger!

I was drafted into the U.S. Army in 1957 and served my six-year obligation: two years of active duty, two years of active reserve, and two years of in-active reserve. I understand that not everybody was called to serve and that's fine with me.  I also understand that not everybody freely volunteered  to serve in our military.  But what I don't understand is someone who "buys" their way out of serving and then stands back and throws rocks at those who did.  Worse yet, they hurl disgusting words like "suckers" and "losers" in the direction of those absolute heros who gave their lives for their country!  There is a psychological problem going on with someone like that.

And so, this is the president so many in our country revere and say they will follow to the grave, if necessary.  

But, he is not to be revered.  He is to be pitied.

Opinion By
John Watson

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