I cannot believe this is the America I've lived in for so many years.

Sixty-five years ago, I sat in a high school class and learned about American History.  Not once did we hear about a plague of lies and liars hovering over our nation's capitol.  I don't recall it ever being discussed in our Weekly Reader.  I would have certainly remember if any of our presidents had to be fact-checked for over 20,000 lies!

Sure, everybody knows politicians tells fibs when they're running for office.  But back then, if they got caught there was usually hell to pay.  That is a far cry from what is coming out of the Oval Office, the White House, and Capitol Hill these days. There are lies filling the air like locusts at the height of their invasion.  And the liars are staring straight into national television cameras and just bustin' their buttons with pride!

There is only one reason for this plague.  

President Donald J. Trump evidently decided he was only going to get away with his frequent whoppers if he could show others that it was now fashionable - and beneficial -  to do so. His Vice President does it, his cabinet members do it, his family members who work in the White House do it, and you might say the only ones who don't do it are the birds, bees, and our news media, who, by the way, become the punching bags for the liars when they report the lies to the rest of us.

Lies and liars are the symptom of worse things to come. Corruption and crimes came fast and furious and deviations from our constitution quickly followed.  Even dirtier politics of an unimaginable level will come as sure as the sun will rise in the morning.  We know that foreign adversaries are working with our politicians to meddle in our elections and our current president  has done nothing to stop it.  As a matter of fact, he refuses to believe what every intelligence agency has told him and instead takes the word of Russia's Putin.  Lies break down the confidence our people have in their government.  Our nation's allies will look upon us with bewilderment...and eventually, disdain and suspicion. 

Prior to a Trump Rally in Michigan, a man was interviewed about his thoughts regarding Trump's lies about covid-19.  He said he didn't care about the lies because he will support Trump no matter what.  During that rally, Trump said, "You people damn well better vote for me because I brought you many car plants to this area."  The truth was only one car plant became active during the last four years and there is no proof Trump had anything to do with it. 

But, you see, that's the point.  These Republican followers don't care about facts.  Not one single bit!  They just know that if Trump is President, it's a win for their "tribe."  Period!

Nothing the rest of us can ever say will change their minds.  They have to decide to change it themselves!  We will never get back to normalcy until these people want to get back to normalcy, and that's a bitter pill for the rest of us to swallow. 

Lies don't just hurt - they kill, too!  And it is an absolute gawd-damn fact that due to Trump's lies and mishandling of the deadly covid-19 virus in the beginning - and since - have killed tens of thousands of innocent Americans!  

How do these followers sleep at night with that lie? 



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