Directing "Street Wars" from the safety of his Oval Office

He is pulling out all of the stops this time.  He has not only called for help from his Russian friends, but he is enlisting help from his street thugs to fire up clashes with peaceful protesters in cities around the country.  They use paintball guns, mace, a great amount of intimidation, and possibly more destructive weapons...that the president refers to as "peaceful protesting."

Such is the way an authoritarian thug does his political campaigning.

A few nights ago in Portland, Oregon, there was shooting and death.  The president has long accused the fighting, looting, and burning on peaceful protesters.  That is, of course, false.  While it is probably hard to label every person in the event, you can bet your next paycheck that the protesters are there to peacefully protest Black Lives Matter and other causes, and those who are fired up by the president's inflammatory tweets and speeches are doing the damage.

This is how he conducted his "election campaigns" in 2016 and 2018, and it is the dangerously improved way he is doing it in 2020.  

This man has no moral compass.  The only thing that is relevant to him is winning, and in his mind, there are no unethical or illegal ways to accomplish that, and from his family members who have written and spoken about him, it has been this way all of his life.

This destruction of our democracy is despicable.

To put himself above our rule of laws to win another four years in office sets an example of criminal leadership that will reverberate throughout history.  It not only has lowered the bar of standard ethics - it has completely eliminated any future president's need to adhere to anything. 

And for those of you who don't think an authoritarian, fascist, or tyrannical leader could take over this country, think again.  We are no less immune to it happening here than any other country.

We have a thuggish, right-wing mob in this nation who are hell-bent on taking over our country.  Their beliefs include setting adrift all socialists, liberals, and do-gooders with no further need of them.  Their idea of a democracy is greatly different from yours and mine.  We were not meant to be equal.  We were not meant to help each other.  We were not meant to complain about the huge equality gap between them and us.

This "take over" is not only very possible...

It is happening right now!


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