The worst of the worst

An Opinion By
John Watson

I don't know why what he said bothers me so much?  I haven't been in military uniform in sixty years.  Even then, I wasn't in an armed conflict where I would have faced injury, capture, or death. So why did it keep me up all night?

I suppose it really hit me when the story in The Atlantic was confirmed.  We always need confirmation of a story of this magnitude to get our full attention.

Yes, our Commander-in-Chief really did say, "I don't see why I have to visit that military cemetery full of 'losers' and 'suckers.'  Why would someone go to war when there's nothing in it for them?  They could have stayed home and made money."

Yesterday, he denied saying any of those things.  And to add to his denial, he added a fresh lie to add insult to injury:  When he was asked about his statements, he responded with, "Those are terrible lies.  As a matter of fact, when I decided not to go to that cemetery in France, I called Melania back in the states and told her how badly I felt that I didn't go."  An aide leaned over and whispered, "Mr. President, the First Lady was in France with you on that trip."

A retired Major General was on television last evening.  He was as angry as anyone I've ever seen on national television.  He said there are drill sergeants who are working today to prepare our young men and women for the possibility of combat.  What are those new recruits thinking about their Commander-in-Chief's words?  Is that what he thinks of our bravest and best if they are injured, captured, or killed?   

He can try to run away from this.  He can try, once again, to lie his way out of this.  He can even try, once again, to blame the Democrats and the lying news media.

But he can't unring the bell that is loudly pealing in the minds of so many of us.  

This is disgusting.  This is dangerous.  And this is our president and commander-in-chief saying what he really thinks!

Good God, does he really think like that?


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