Trumpsters, Get Yer Gun...

Michael Caputo, Department of Health and Human Services Communications Official promoted a wild left-wing conspiracy that tells us if President  Trump is not re-elected and you own a weapon, you had best buy lots of ammunition now, because it will be hard to find after the election.

That, coming from a mega-millionaire, right-wing lobbyist, and  self-appointed political analyst.  He is, since the Trump take-over, a typical rich, white, hate-filled, egotistical, and ruthless garden variety Republican.

Caputo is a walking, talking clone of Roger Stone and other neo-neanderthal types that have found a new home in the Trump Swamp. They have slithered into the Trump theatre of threats looking for a chance to hatch their authoritarian ideas.  Their goals are far from what a rational-thinking citizen would visualize for America, and they are neck-deep in an unquenchable thirst for money, power, and self-glorification.

Even before I can finish writing this, a news update appears on CNN saying our villain-of-the-week has apologized for his hate-mongering conspiracy theory and, due to health reasons, may consider stepping down from his position in the Health and Human Services Department.  It is important to note that Caputo had absolutely no known skills for this elite position Trump handed to him.  (I'm betting it's a "mental" health reason.)

But, that is how Trump checks out these characters:  First: he is looking for absolute loyalty, second: how much money they have, third: how much money they will donate to him, and fourth: can they fake making it look like they know what to do.  Of course, it's a given that they will also be male, old, white, and mega-rich.

That is also why more than thirty of them have come, flopped, and left in less than four years.  Some just disappeared, some were booted out, and some are in the "big house."  I've heard, by the way, that these numbers set an all-time record!

So, we wait and see how Caputo gets out of this predicament, and his prediction that another Civil War will happen if Trump loses. 

It's kind of a damned-if-we-do and damned-if-we-don't kind of deal, isn't it?



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