A Clear and Present Danger...

   At the risk of sounding like one of those little voices screaming in the deep, dark woods at who-knows-what and no one paying one lick of attention,  I will give one more of my rants-for-the-day. During a political discussion last night on television, a dastardly scheme was presented regarding the "probable" outcome of our upcoming election.  It was suggested that if the final tally on the Biden win was within 3.5 points, Trump would put his machinery into motion,   consider the election was  fraudulent, and throw it to the U.S. Supreme Court for a ruling on who won.
   We can all understand political maneuvering, but this has gone far beyond that.  This represents a coup d'etat on our justice system that will harm our nation for decades.  If it had been done in the light of day and ethically above board, we would have no complaints.  But, because it was done by a corrupt and dishonest president and his administration, we have a great deal to complain about. Perhaps the most egregious is their intent.  They are under the impression that if they take away a woman's right to decide what she can do with her own body, we will be a better country.  They believe if they take away healthcare insurance from millions of our middle class people, they will satisfy everyone by eliminating the dreaded "Obamacare" system that they so hate.  (It was legally named "The Affordable Healthcare Act" but they decided to call it "Obamacare," which is what they hate about it the most.)  And, they believe if we could just keep those minorities and immigrants in line and reduced in numbers and ability to vote, we would be a better country.  I guess they forgot how all of us originally got here.

   Credit the president and attorney general for kicking our concerns into the ditch regarding what used to be illegal activity and is now just something they can wiggle around, through, or under. 

   You see, they have been busy little beavers, working in the dark, and stacking our Federal Courts with insanely biased conservative judges who will be ready, willing, and able to pave the road of evil for their worst intentions. In recent months, they have added more than 250 such federal judges.  Their lopsided work on unethically stacking the U.S. Supreme Court is even more reprehensible.

   No, their ideas are wrong and their pursuit of those wrong ideas are evil in practice. 

  Their assault on our democracy is a clear and present danger to America's future for our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.  

   Don't let them get away with it.  You have the numbers to go to your ballot boxes and stop them.

   It's that simple!

An Opinion By John Watson


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