Friday, September 18, 2020

Have We Really Sunk This Low?

Once upon election dreary, while we waited, weak and weary,
As I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of someone gently rapping, rappin at my office door.
"Tis some vote results," he muttered -  tapping at my office door.
Only this and nothing more."

But the sound of someone crying, then the gasp of others sighing. 
Distinctly, as I heard him roar, "He has won it! Nothing more!"
With the words I've heard before, it's over now - and nothing more.
Could it be the one most evil, brings again a great upheaval,
Trump, the Liar - won four more!

Such a feeling - mad and teary, I must ponder now more clearly.
Trump, the Liar - really won it?  Lies and treason helped him get it.
Awful howls of indignation, fights will breakout 'round the nation.
Comes the evil one to plunder, lightning bolts and claps of thunder.
Trump, the Liar - to plow us under.

With apologies to Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven"

Is this to be our fate?  Are we really to suffer four more years of his madness?  Surely we deserve better...don't we?

Perhaps we don't.

We have been like spoiled brats on the schoolyard grounds during recess.  We have chosen sides and staked out our turf.  We are going to send our biggest, meanest, toughest, and most foul-mouthed kid on our turf to show those "losers" how it's done.  We could care less about rules.  Truthfulness has been kicked into the ditch.  Honesty means nothing anymore. This is a fight to the finish.  The other side has been on the losing side for far too long and they want back in control - and at any cost!  

America, because of this, you've lost your standing in the world. You've lost your ability to show leadership around the world and at home.  The toughies on the block have destroyed all of our credibility and only care about what they want.  Our nation is at war with itself and the world is watching in horror.  The countries that once modeled their democracies after ours are shrinking in bewilderment.

Some say we are on the brink of another Civil War.  There is talk that if the current administration loses the election on Nov. 3, 2020, they will forge ahead with a coup and refuse to leave.  This has to be "crazy talk," doesn't it?  Or, has America really sunk to this low?

Every single one of us had better think long and hard about our choices on our ballot.  And every single one of us who is legally eligible to vote had better vote.  Now is the time for America to stand up.

Because if we don't all stand, we will certainly all fall!

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