Sunday, September 13, 2020


President-of-Vice Pence has cancelled his trip to Bozeman, Montana for reasons he does not care to mention.  However, we can mention that it might have something to do with that very large-wallet couple living in the Bozeman area who have given more than $200,000 to the Trump campaign and God only knows how much to Sen. Daines, Rep. Gianforte, and Rosendale. The couple are also very big in the QAnon cult.

You see, the QAnon is a rather soiled group.

And the Trump Republicans have been a bit too hasty in hitching themselves to the QAnon star that is about to go supernova.  To call them a cult is a bit too nice.  They are actually a leaderless conspiracy tribe of nitwits who were happy to gain the favor of the many Republican Party members who will pay attention to them.

However, it now appears the Montana Republicans are taking a second look at the tar pit they walked into and it evidently scared the heebie-jeebies out of Pence.  Hence, the decision for him to suddenly be too busy with another fake Covid-19 Task Force Committee meeting to come to Bozeman. 

Sen. Daines, true to form, has said through his spokesperson, of course,  "Sen. Daines doesn't even know what QAnon is."  I seriously doubt that.  Ask any voter who still has their head in the game and they can tell you about QAnon. 

This rally in the valley was probably doomed from the beginning, just like the cast of characters who it was hoping to bring together.  To use their fearless leader's words, "A bunch of real losers!"

Daines, Gianforte, and Rosendale...

...I just don't know how a state full of good, decent folks could have stumbled on to the likes of these guys!



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