Somebody needs to read the constitution again


We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

A Montanans for Freedom sign was seen on the west lawn of the Montana Capitol building Sept. 11, 2020 that read:

"Children are being 
sold, raped, killed 
while you hide 
behind a mask."

The mask they refer to is a medical mask to keep us from further infecting others with covid-19.  This group, in case you are not aware, think this deadly virus is a government hoax and refuse to mask up.

This group is holding a two-day rally to protest what they perceive to be violations of their Constitutional Rights.  Helena conservative activist Tim Ravndal said, "We're using the Constitution to our favor."  Joell Tuttle of Sydney is a representative of the Citizens' General Congress.  He read to the crowd a declaration and list of grievances which included "taxes, the national debt, media conglomerates, and the military."

I am all for people gathering to peacefully air their views.  As a matter of fact, we probably don't do enough of that these days.

But, we need to be sure of our facts because these gatherings have consequences.  And one very large fact is this:  Our president, vice-president, attorney general, and others in this administration are the worst offenders of trashing our constitution in American history.  They seem to view this document as written in a "vague recommendation that if we don't like parts of it you can change it to suit our own fancy."

That is exactly what the president and the attorney general are doing these days.  The current attorney general is protecting his president as though he were a client instead of being the AG who is supposed to be working for the people.  He firmly believes the president has authority over all other branches of government, rather than being an equal branch, constitutionally.  He has stated this more than once, and that is not what our constitution says.

The president has forced his own rules numerous times...rules that go far beyond what the constitution gives him.  Time and time again, he rules as an authoritarian instead of the authority given by our constitution that has been set up for all presidents.

No way does the Montanans for Freedom understand any of this.  They can meet every week of the year and they will get no resistance from me.  But when they espouse rights that our beautiful constitution does not give them, then I must speak up.

However, what would we expect from a state like Montana that gives the president a seven-point lead over his opponent in a recent poll?  This president has created a catastrophe in his mishandling of covid-19, divided this nation like at no other time since our Civil War, given a voice to racists, bigots, and white nationalists, and turned our constitution into a pile of ashes!

And for what?  So this group can spring up and fight for their so-called rights as they believe they are outlined in the constitution?  

They are forgetting the most basic of our rights:  Freedom from catching the virus from their unmasked faces!

Give me a break.


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