Trump, Pence and QAnon Friends

Montana Politics, Bozeman Style

Just when you thought politics couldn't get any crazier in Montana, along comes "Pence-in-charge-of-Vice" with his gang of QAnon theorists to Bozeman for a Trump & Friends Sept. 14th Fundraiser.

The gala will be hosted by  a couple from the area who are huge fans of QAnon, Trump, Pence, Daines, Gianforte, and Rosendale.  

How's that for a line-up of Raucous Republican Rascals?

QAnon is a baseless conspiracy theory cult  that is gaining a strong foothold in the Trump Party.  The president has hailed Georgia congressional candidate Marjorie Taylor Greene, another strong QAnon supporter as a "future Republican star.  The Sept. 10 Helena IR newspaper says, "QAnon is a wide-ranging conspiracy fiction spread largely through the internet, centered on the baseless belief that Trump is waging a secret campaign against enemies in the 'deep state' and a child sex trafficking ring run by satanic pedophiles and cannibals."

The Bozeman couple who are hosting this shindig are Caryn and Michael Borland of the Bozeman area.  They are big into QAnon with its logo and slogan "Where We Go One We Go All" found throughout their social media.  They label the Black Lives Matter movement as "terrorists" and Borland has made his own threats to shoot protesters, according to a June 25 post.

I have often asked what they are putting into the water in Bozeman that spawned the likes of such Republican Politicians as those who are being touted next week.
Well, evidently QAnon likes the cut of their jib.





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