Unfit, Dangerous, and No Moral Compass

An Opinion By
John Watson
You would have to be deaf, blind, and dumb to approve of the corrupt workings of this president.  And yet, his followers are fully prepared to go to the ends of the earth to support him.  

It is a "done deal" that this president will one day be no more.  He will either be voted out of office or he will leave of his own accord, but he will be gone. America - sleep better, knowing that! 

What, then, will happen to his followers?  Will they patiently wait for another one to come along and tell them racism, bigotry, white nationalism, corruption, and pathological lying will be okay again? Will someone tell them to link arms and lay siege to America? Will it again be okay to blanket our streets with hate and carnage? Will another authoritarian rise up and call his minions to do his evil bidding?  Evil begets violence, and more violence begets more evil.  America has seen their worst nightmare in 244 years and we can only hope we have learned from it.  

America was given a nearly perfect blueprint for a nearly perfect union.  We cannot be the generation that misuses, mistrusts, or mishandles their dream.  And we cannot let those among us who wish to do harm to that dream every gain another foothold!

Stefanie Lindquist of Arizona State University has written, "After his joint press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, President Trump was barraged with criticism from both friends and foes.
 Standing next to Putin, Trump repudiated U.S. intelligence that the Russians interfered with the 2016 election.  Some have since questioned the legitimacy of his presidency, forcing Trump to backtrack several of his statements."
Thomas Friedman, A New York Times columnist, claimed that "President Trump's interactions with Putin were a violation of the president's oath of office."  In a tweet, former CIA Director John Brennan reacted by claiming that "the president's performance 'rises to and exceeds the threshold of 'high crimes & misdemeanors.'  It was nothing short of treasonous."

The most precious thing we can leave to the next generation is something better than what we found.  We are living in a wicked nightmare that we must resolve.

I will fight with every fiber of my being to not leave this for my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren to deal with.

This president's corrupt administration will end.  Hail to the new president!


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