Turn Off the Trouble Machine

 Donald J. Trump has been President of the United States for 3 years, 244 days, 22 hours, 42 minutes, and 21 seconds (give or take a minute or two) according to the countdown on my online "clipboard clock."  I know, it seems like an eternity, doesn't it?

No worries, he says...and then he gives himself an A+ for his efforts

Time is a funny thing.  We can't go back and change anything and it appears we can't even change much about today or tomorrow. There are so many catastrophic evils we wake up to each morning and not one damn person is capable of resolving any of them.  The coronavirus pandemic is killing Americans at the rate of about 1,000 a day.  We have a presidential administration that simply cannot stop filling our heads with lies literally every hour.  We watch thousands of homes burning to the ground and  millions of acres of precious forest lands and the animals that call it their home burning up in America's west and northwest.  We watch hurricanes destroy homes and personal property.  We have people marching in our streets - both peacefully and destructively.  We have people of color living in fear of their lives.

And we have a president and his administration that is oblivious to it all!  He has his mind on one thing and one thing only:  Getting re-elected!

This morning, he gave himself an A+ on national television for the work he has done on battling covid-19.  Appalling!  This, he announced on the day the death toll reached 200,000!  

The man doesn't know.  The man doesn't care.  The man has no empathy for anyone or anything.  He thinks of himself first, last, and always!  He is one for the history books and they will not be kind to him.  He will be seen as America's worst president. And, he will be remembered as America's biggest election mistake!

We will all shoulder the blame of his corruption and carnage that brought our "shining city on the hill" to a "blight on our democracy" because many of us have been complicit,  sat idly by, and did nothing.

Nothing! Not one damn thing.



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