Shine the light on these guys...

The good news is we have Black Lives Matter people peacefully protesting on the streets of America.

The bad news, however, is we have the "alternative facts" people who get their inspiration from the President of the United States. They march against the BLM folks with evil intentions.  They are decked out in their military-style clothing, armed to the teeth with wicked weapons, unfurling flags of long-ago enemies, and signs that incite both fear of them and support for their beloved "leader."

They have, of course, an absolute right to do any and all of the aforementioned.  

What they don't have a right to do is inject themselves into the plight of the peaceful protesters and create mayhem, looting, burning,  injury, and death with the intention of deceiving the world as to who are the villains and who are the good guys. 

If the peaceful protesters were to cease their activity and go home, we would find out in a hurry what the "other guys" are up to, wouldn't we?  They would be exposed as the deplorables they are. And the world would know exactly what is really going on.

It would further expose what our president is up to, as well.  He gains support and votes from those who will rally around anything that is radical, anti-government, and against whatever is normal in America.

We can no longer allow the president to use this lethal action of urging his stormtroopers to lay gawd-awful waste to our city's neighborhoods, and to further divide our country -  just to solidify his base of voters. 

While it is true he has no regard for life and limb... we do!

Vote as though your country's return to normalcy
depends on it... because it does.


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