Arriving at the election... at full tilt...

Tilting at Windmills:  A metaphoric expression alludes to Miguel de Cervantes's Don Quixote, who rides with lance at full tilt (poised to strike) against a row of windmills,, which he mistakes for evil giants.

Such is the adventure of each and every American Voter during these last days of  what will be known for generations as "The Great American Election."  It puts our Presidential Candidates and Voters in an untenable position.  There seems to be no issue that can be ably defended by either candidate.  All allegations are lies and all lies are justifiable.  It is the new alternative to what used to be the old truth.

Supporters of the president are in the Don Quixote mode of "pursuit of that vain goal" where no truth is to be found.  Their vanity prohibits them from admitting they have crept out beyond the waves and are now in over their heads.  Turning around and stating the obvious is no longer an option.  They are doomed to figuratively go down with the ship and its corrupt captain.

Tilting at windmills is a human foible.  It is the stuff of those who live in a world of fanciful dreams for something they will pin their last best hope on achieving. Such are the supporters of this president.  In their efforts they seldom see the carnage.  By their unreasonable and adamant stands against normalcy, they have created gigantic cracks in our rules of law.  The hallowed words of our constitution have been placed in real jeopardy.  And still, they march onward...  

...Tilting at those "evil giants" of democracy.

We live in an ever-changing world - one that, at times, just makes no sense.  From pandemic disasters, to terror in our streets, hate crimes and unmentionable acts of violence, we get the in-depth report from every news outlet in the United States.  And, we watch these special reports, trying to find some kind of reason for the craziness, some perfect explanation for why these things happen and who is responsible and how can we make a difference.  And while we never get all the answers on this side of eternity, we know that as Christians, we are called to trust God, share His love, and pray.

Vote for our normalcy 
Vote for our nation  
Vote for our neighbors

An Opinion By
John Watson



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