Flying the American Flag upside down is a sign that there is distress and extreme anxiety with its owner. 

That would mean about seventy-five percent of the homes in this country could be flying their flags upside down right now.  America has never been under more extreme anxiety and distress than it has the last four years.  We have a president who has no moral compunction to tell the truth, he is a racist and bigot, and he is void of any empathy for others.  He is divisive to an extreme and relishes the country's chaos.

If that doesn't give us all distress, I don't know what would.

According to all that is decent, if we see a homeowner flying his Old Glory upside down, we would immediately rush to help.  Today, however, we would be running our legs off.  

America is split into two distinct ideologies.  One side sees the carnage this president and his administration has done and is just fine with it all.  They believe this disruption of a normal American life is proving - in their minds - that things needed to be shuffled and re-dealt.  They like the clutter and chaos that infuriates the "other side."  They need a distinct division between the two factions because they can then more clearly see winners and losers, and they will always be on the winning side - even if their actions brings the entire nation to its knees, they will never be the losers.

As for the other side, well...they're hiding in their homes.

...and flying their flags upside down!




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