He Says He Just Doesn't Get It

The President has called our injured and fallen soldiers "losers."

Opinion by
John Watson

As Retired General  John Kelly, who later became Trump's Chief of Staff, led the President to the grave of his son, who fell in battle, the President looked across the field of America's fallen in Arlington National Cemetery and said, "I don't get it, what was in it for them?

The President once said to his Trade Advisers, "I've got a bunch of fucking generals who are pussies."

These words are coming from the lips of a man who received six deferments (for a heel spur) from  our military draft during the Vietnam War...and became the President of the United States!

Maybe you don't get it, Mr. President, but we do.  Ask any Gold Star Family member what they get.  Ask any veteran what they get.  Ask any patriot what they get.

This goes way beyond what our president does or doesn't get.  The question needs to be put to those who still support President Donald J. Trump.  And the question to them is simple:  "Don't you see that you, as followers of this uncouth, uninformed, patriotic illiterate, and profoundly narcissistic human being become complicit in all of his human flaws, as well?"

We have gone far beyond regurgitating the evils of this man. The sins of the evil will live on simply by the supporters carrying his banner. 


How can anyone chose his character flaws over their country?

How can anyone follow him?

How can anyone?



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