Coup d'etat of the Elephant Herd??

The present condition of the Grand Old Party is a puzzle.  It had been moving toward oblivion for several years, but it appears the Trump Administration has performed an exquisite coup d'etat of the entire elephant herd.

The current ownership of the GOP - namely the Trump Stormtroopers -  will soon disappear and then the real mystery will be what happens to Republicans left holding the bag. Will they resort to a retreat position and consider their options or will they try to carry on with the Trump Flag and fall headlong into further muck and mire? 

Both Trump and the GOP have overlooked one very important part of political history:  Other countries have tried to let the rich and powerful run things and absolutely none have succeeded.  It is an idea that is doomed to failure and the modern day Republicans should have seen that coming.

Perhaps a modest capitalist mentality was good for America at one time. Perhaps at one time even the people thought so.  But like all ideas that were incubated in greed and became the lifestyles of money and power, they knew not when to ease up and enjoy the fruits of their zealous ways.  This was, and still is, the errant ways of the Grand Old Party.  Only for the last four years they have been playing backup music for the even more errant Donald J. Trump and his cronies.  The conservative people of America quickly found what all others always knew -  that the money and power never got down to their level of enjoyment.

So, what is the answer?  Where do Republicans go from here?  They still have a National Committee Office.  They still have GOP Officials wandering around somewhere.  I'll bet they even have some old musty-smelling Party Platforms hidden somewhere.  There are probably still some card-carrying Republicans still hunkered down in the hinterlands, too, just waiting for the "perfect storm" of Trumpism to subside.

Maybe they'll make a comeback and maybe they won't. We'll know better at the next election cycle.

Of course, there are still those feisty, mule-headed elephants in the U.S. House and Senate that have completely lost their way and will soon be wandering in the deep dark wilderness of the congressional swamp. There may be no hope for any of them.

We can always hope, anyway.


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