The Bozeman Body-Slammer...

Rep. Greg Gianforte is trying to buy his way into our Governor's Mansion.  He is a neo-politician who also bought his way into the U.S. House of Representatives two years ago.  This is his total experience in legislative work.  He threw a second million dollars into his obsessive drive to win the Governor's Office.  He is a very rich guy.

But there is really only one important thing we all need to know about Mr. Gianforte.  And we need to remember it when we vote.  He has a big character flaw.

He is a man with obvious anger management issues.  Not a good sign for anyone, but especially for the highest office in our state. He was once asked a question about his thoughts on the Affordable Healthcare Act and he grabbed the reporter and body-slammed him to the ground.

He was fined and ordered by the judge to enter anger management therapy.  One other detail at his arrest was the fact that not only does he have problems controlling his anger, but he lied about what really happened, as well.  (This guy is also a fan of our president, who displays similar character flaws.)

The question by the reporter, as witnessed by those at the event, was a mundane, typical AHA question that all reporters were asking all candidates at the time.  To lose you temper over it is beyond good sense.  

It displays a character flaw that is dangerous for anyone to carry around, but especially for someone who wants to be our governor.  

Because of that body-slamming episode, alone, he should have been disqualified to run for the Office of Montana Governor.

But, here he is.

Now it's time to right the wrong and vote against him.  His experience in Montana legislation, people skills, and leadership is practically non-existent.  

He is just another rich guy who wants to buy some power!


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