Pandemic Politics...

The Jefferson County Health Nurse received an email that she was relieved of her job after fourteen years of dedicated duty.  There was no reason given since she was a contract worker.  That, in itself, should give us pause.  Why would an employer take such a course of action?  Well, I'm pretty sure most of us already know the answer to that question.

You see, we're talking about a group running Jefferson County that leans to the right of Genghis Khan in right-wing politics.  And as right-wing politics go, this covid-19 pandemic is as dangerously political as anything America has seen in decades.  We are told to "move along folks, nothing to see here. We don't want to hurt re-election chances for the president."

We all know that excrement rolls downhill and in this case it comes from the very top of that hill:  the Oval Office.  And just like those guys with the brooms in the game of curling, the nation's Republicans have kept the hillsides swept clean and smooth for GOP thinking all the way down to places like Jefferson County, Montana.

The Jefferson County Health Nurse was "guilty" of saying this pandemic is a serious health risk and the county should take precautions.  ALARM!  That would be the wrong thing to say in a very "red" county. "We ain't gonna' close down no rodeos and such." 

The problem that arose in this small Montana County is a microcosm of what is happening in America.  If you can't look at the problem through the eyes of the president and his political party, then you are looking at it wrong.  Don't be looking at the millions of cases that didn't have to happen.  Don't be looking at the 185,000+ deaths.  Don't be looking at the millions of healthcare workers who are being worked beyond their limits.  Don't be looking at any of that right now, because we Republicans have elections to win!

Mask Up, the outlaws who run Jefferson County.


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