Monday, January 18, 2021

Antifa: Defined For Dummies. . .

We need to put one crazy, nagging problem to rest now: When the far-right refers to liberals as Antifa, they have no idea what a dictionary is.  If you are a member of Antifa, you are one who is opposed to fascism.  Anti (against) Fa (Fascism)...see how that works? Evil men from the past who were fascists were Benito Mussolini of Italy and Adolf Hitler of Germany.  Who cannot be against them? 

Who cannot be against fascists?  Well, today's conservative right-wing authoritarians cannot be against them.  They are practically first cousins.  Some are practically siblings.  

ANTIFA is a political movement compromising autonomous groups affiliated by their opposition to fascism and other forms of extreme right-wing ideology.  

FASCISM is a form of far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist characterized by dictatorial power. (Anything sound familiar here?)

When Donald Trump became President, he spewed lies by the truckload, referred to our national media as "enemies of the people," and spawned horrific hordes of fascist and fascist-type gangs as his preferred base of support.  They included White Supremacist's, KKK, Proud Boys, White Nationalists, and others.

Fascism begins and ends with a liar, his lies, and those followers who believe the lies - to the bitter end.  When the world learns the truth, it will expose the fascist.  It's that simple.

George Orwell, author of "1984," wrote, "The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears.  It was their final, most essential command."

Donald Trump said, July 24, 2018, "Just remember, what you are seeing and what your are reading is not what's happening."

We have suffered through four long years of a modern day fascist who nearly brought our nation to ruin.  The best we can feel about his criminal intentions is this:  We will remember him well, and should another like him venture our way, we will, hopefully, be able to steer clear of his evil.  

Additionally, our hope is that of those who were snared in his trap will see the light and come back to America, the greatest democracy on the face of the earth!  A democracy where no one is supreme to another, regardless of their color, race, or ethnicity.

Wake up, America!  Look around.  We have so many more likenesses than differences.  Why don't we try living like our founding fathers outlined for us?  It was a pretty good plan, and they intended for it to be a work in progress. . . but not in the direction it's currently headed!


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