Friday, January 22, 2021

Montana Rules Are Just For Losers. . .

When the Montana Republicans step in it, they do it nearly up to their knees.

Their first criminal act out of the chute was to give the richest of our state a yuuge Trump-size tax cut.  As an after thought, they reached into the petty cash drawer and came up with a pittance for the rest of us.

Next, they went to the GOP vault of horrors and dusted off their many umpteen-thousand abortion bills that have been collecting dust.  They just can't help themselves when it comes to getting between a Montana women and her doctor.  I don't have a tally on how many women are on that committee, but I'm saying if there are more than two, I'll challenge the governor to  a body-slamming fist fight - his anger management issues be damned.  It appears  that this bill will virtually stop all abortions in Montana.

And to show their evil doesn't stop there, they have been caught red-handed violating the open-meeting rules.  They deliberately worked over the rule that says if you have more than half of the caucus members present you cannot shut out the press.  Their big idea was to tell the caucus members that there must be at least one less than half of the caucus to show up.

If there is a way to skirt the rules, the Republicans will find it.

  After all, rules are just for losers!

This, Montana, is your scurrilous 
GOP lawmakers in action.


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