A Nation Of Laws or A Nation Of People. . .

Are we a nation governed by rule of law or are we a nation ruled by people?  That really is the question, isn't it?

Rule of law has always been the answer.  There wasn't even much of an argument about it.  All people were considered equal under the law and no one - not even the president - is considered above the law.  That was settled fact for nearly 240 years, and if anyone wanted to test it, they could go before a judge and get their come-uppins real quick.

Around 2017, however, mere mortals of our nation decided to put it to a political test.  Men (mostly) of the Republican Party began feeling their status of elite stardom was being overlooked and decided "some of us deserve to be above the law."  They were of great wealth and hell-bent on getting more.  And, great wealth deserves great power. The idea caught on with others of similar ranking and soon there were enough to prosecute a coup on the Grand Old Party.  Men of like minds became "puffed up" on their status beyond anyone's imagination.  They were looking down on the great and wise men who fashioned our nation so many years ago, and they scoffed at the puny ideas and words that our founders put to parchment paper.  

Today, these scoundrels of the "new and terribly unimproved" Grand Old Party are thrashing around for identity and validation.  Sadly, it not only isn't coming, but it is being scoffed at as an evil form of domestic terrorism.  They are vocally thrashing our rules of law as they presume to administer their own.  If, in our congressional laws, they were unable to get their newly-imagined powers, they would simply make up new laws. Additionally, they have incited the mobs of such gangs as White Supremacist's, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, QAnons, and various others. An insurrection was leveled on our Capitol by the mob and several of the "newly formed GOP" have been charged as being complicit in the coup. Five people were killed, many were injured, and congressional offices were trashed.

America now must decide - once again - that we are, indeed, a nation of laws and not of people.  No person is above the law and no law must be ignored.

This is what is called "settled law."



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