The Republican's Dilemma. . .

The former President  worked with extreme planning to seditiously perform a coup on the government of the United States of America. He is guilty of acts against our rule of law, our constitution, and outright acts of treason.  He incited, assembled, and gave the orders to "fight like hell to save your country" to the mob who ransacked our Capitol, injured and killed people, and scurried off into the night on January 6, 2021. 

Today, many in that mob has been arrested.  Sedition can carry imprisonment of up to twenty years.  In America's younger days, it could have meant execution.

Some of our unpatriotic Republican members of the U.S. House and Senate are nearly as guilty as the worst monsters in that mob. Some colluded with their president to overturn the election.  Some conspired with the mob to disrupt and decertify electoral votes.  We will soon see what charges - and what punishment - they will face.  Most of us already know it will definitely not be harsh enough, however.

Because of his part, the former president was impeached for this insurrection on our government.  We await the trial in the U.S. Senate to learn their decision:  Acquit or Convict.  

Since the impeachment, we have learned of the president's seditious actions to remove the Acting Attorney General, replace him with a loyalist, and begin the process of decertifying certain key state elections results.  Unbelievable actions by a power-hungry president who was willing to do anything to remain in power!

This traitor to his own country should be convicted and never allowed to run again for a federal office.  His monstrous acts cannot be excused - or forgotten!

"And a red "T" should be branded on the forehead 
of any U.S. Senator who chooses to acquit, 
and remain for the rest of their days,
because they will share the guilt
of the president and his mob."


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