Thursday, January 28, 2021

Bush v. Gore: How It Is Supposed To Work

In my opinion, the 2020 presidential election result was badly handled.  Let me explain. . . 

In November 1999, an election for President of the United States between George W. Bush and Al Gore was thrown in chaos as "too close to call" was announced.  Skipping to the end of the story, Florida became the eye of the storm and ballots were inspected for "hanging chads" and other such meaningless election words were bandied about.  It became a media frenzy as Florida election workers were on everyone's television screens as they carefully inspected each ballot with eagle eye performance for the television viewer's amazement and delight.

Now enters the key to the dilemma:  Candidate George W. Bush has a brother, Jeb Bush,  who happens to be the Florida Governor.  In the midst of the final vote - where it is being reported that Bush is losing ground - brother Jeb suddenly calls a halt to the recount and sends the election results to the U.S. Supreme Court for a final decision.  The Court's  5 -4 split gave the edge to the conservative justices.  George W. Bush was declared the winner.

Funny thing about this is the huge mistake it caused.  The first error was when former Vice President Al Gore immediately called Bush and congratulated him.  And then went "quietly into that good night."

By today's standards, that should not have been the way to do things.  There would have to be a litany of lies from Gore that the race was stolen, domestic terrorists would have to be summoned to maim, kill, and trash the capitol, and endless months of unrest and violence would have to begin.  The country would go into shock and despair, and threats against public officials would run rampant.   

However, in 2000, game over.  All went back to normal in America and with a few grumblings heard around the country, all was well with the world once again!

But, that was how Democrats stepped up to the election "defeat."  That was how America handled it.

Today, the Republicans have another plan.  When they lose, they try to reverse a fair and final election with thuggery and domestic terrorism!


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