Another Big Lie From Capitalists. . .

The Keystone Pipeline had 21 leaks from 2010 to 2019. The pipeline system extends 2,600 miles from Alberta, Canada, east into Manitoba, and south to Texas, according to TC Energy.

The pipeline carries Tar Sands oil.  Even the name sounds bad. And it is as bad as it sounds.  In fact, oil from the tar sands is the most destructive, carbon-intensive and toxic fuels on the planet. Producing it releases three times as much greenhouse gas pollution as conventional crude oil does.  

"The amount of land impacted by one oil spill in particular,  in North Dakota is almost 10 times larger than was initially reported, officials say.  The disclosure comes about a month after the Keystone 1 Pipeline leaked about 383,040 gallons of oil.

TC Energy, the company that owns the pipeline, shut it down on Oct. 29th after discovering that the oil had leaked from the pipe into the surrounding wetlands.  The pipeline was returned to service on Nov. 10th following approval by the US Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, TC Energy says. Despite the initial identification of a 25,000 square yard leak, TC Energy did not update their website to reflect this number until later, after media reports of the large increase in impact estimates were released." (CNN-Nov. 20, 2019)


"This is exactly the kind of spill we are worried about when it comes to Keystone XL being built.  It has never been IF a pipeline breaks, but rather WHEN," Joe Braun, Indigenous Environmental Network frontline community organizer told CNN at the time of the leak.

There are widely different numbers attached to construction jobs in Montana for construction of the pipeline.  When TC Energy is asked, there is no response.  One report says a total of roughly fifty jobs may be available after construction is completed:  Thirty-five part-time and fifteen full time.

The Republican Party and Party faithfuls are screaming bloody murder because President Biden has stopped construction of this dreadful oil pipeline. 

The screams, however, are purely political.  They have no merit, whatsoever, and they know it.  But, it won't stop them from screaming, because that is what they do when it involves some mega-rich oil company who wants to make a buck on the graves of innocent people, their lands, and wildlife.

It boldly identifies the difference between capitalistic right-wingers who worry about money first, as opposed to liberal folks who worry about people and our planet first!


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