The Horror Of January 6, 2021 Must Have Consequences. . .

Opinion By

It's getting kind of tiresome to hear from Republican U.S. Senators and Representatives who have seen the error of their ways and beg our forgiveness.  It seems the horror created by the mob that injured, killed, created senseless carnage, and threatened the lives of countless people on Jan. 6th is beginning to wake up the damage done by these right-wing traitors.

They were definitely complicit in their arrogant and bullish attempt to convince the Americans who already knew the truth about the official results of the 2020 Presidential Election. Their all-out support of the president backfired and now they are running for their political lives.  

The full and unabridged truth was in plain sight for any to see. The version these Republican Senators and Representatives chose to see did not exist.  They, like their president, believed if they yelled the "big lie" loud enough it would become fact. All it did was enrage the president's "mob base" to such a point that when they heard his invitation to "come to the Capitol and fight like hell," they came.  Five people lost their lives, more than fifty were injured - some seriously - and our Capitol was in shambles and chaos.  People were in fear of their lives and Americans watched their television sets in disbelief.  We had, at that moment, become a true "banana republic."

And now, we have a president who takes absolutely no responsibility and Republican members of both houses of congress who want us to forgive them for their treasonous participation. 

The goal of the mob (with the obvious order from the president and the blessings of the congressional members complicit in the action) was to disrupt the congressional vote of approval of the electoral college's final tally of the presidential vote count: 306 Biden -  232 Trump.

Since there is evidence of complicity, and more coming out each day, we now have the "running of the elephants" to tweet their "I'm so sorry" messages from the safety of their homes and offices.

We cannot in any way allow them to neither escape from their crimes nor hide from their shame.  This was an act of treason. It turned our nation's Capitol into a battlefield. Our allies around the world are shocked and our adversaries are elated beyond words.

America's greatest democracy - the shinning city on the hill - is in ruins.  Enormous security is planned for the presidential inauguration next week.  More combat soldiers are stationed around our Capitol than we have in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria combined!  All fifty state capitols are under threat of mob violence.  All because of those who propagate the "big lie" that our election was somehow rigged!

And the current president and more than 150 senators and representatives are in this mess up to their necks!

They all must be punished! 


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