Monday, January 11, 2021

The Insurrection. . .

From out of the night they came for our souls,
To scatter our dreams, to steal our goals.
They wanted revenge, their thirst was for power,
In through a window, up over the tower.

Their eyes were ablaze, like warriors from Hell,
Their battle regalia, and weapons, as well.
The despicable flags of long ago wars,
pushing and shoving to get through the doors.

Trashing and looting, like kids on a spree,
Following the lies of the "one" who could see.
Rebellious and proud, spiteful, with might.
They rattled our nerves, then left in the night.

The "one" was quite happy, watching it all.
Feeding his ego, watching America fall.
A small bit of winning, after losing his crown
At least he was up -  because America was down.

- John Watson

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