Monday, January 4, 2021

Where Do They Go From Here?

And they shall dwell in the halls of congress, for that is where their coup has begun.  They represent the coup of the elephants. The coup of those who are lacking in "herd mentality."  The coup of the clan of  nonessentials, nitwits, and nincompoops.

They are the disreputable, present-day American Republicans, the afterthoughts of the Grand Old Party, and  the remnants of a once-great political party. 

They have been complicit in the corrupt and often criminal dealings of their president since his election four long and torturous years ago.  These accusations are not hyperbolic rants by me; they are steeped in facts and often recorded with words and video for all the world to see and hear.  These elephants have roamed the halls of congress in all of their glory and false pretenses.  They began their frightening coup on our democracy and constitutional rule of law from the day of his inauguration and with little to no regard for their constituents.  They ceased to be representatives of the people and became a new breed of tyrannical misfits who could not see beyond their own pocketbook and power.  This new group of elephants became known as "Trumplicans!"

Their resistance to the normal was obvious from the beginning.  As a matter of fact, it was their proudly-stated new national order of how things were to be.  If things used to be "black," they were now "white."  It things were "up," they were now "down."  Whatever the opposition party wanted was automatically thrown into the trash.  It became evident to all that they were hell-bent on turning our democracy into an authoritarian stronghold.  The president was emperor and the new elephants were standing tall, standing back, and standing ready for whatever he wanted.

Today, one might ask, "With a new administration sixteen days away, what will happen to these once foot loose and insanely free elephants?"  Will they give our democracy a try once again, or will they carry on with their selfish and corrupt ways?

And will they ever win another election?

Well, that last question is really up to the elephants across the country, isn't it?  The "Trumplican Voters" are either the root of the previously failed administration, or they are the new answer to a rebirth of Lincoln's Party.

Trumplicans or Republicans?


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