No One Hates The Grand Old Party. . .

Republicans in America are dead wrong about why Democrats greatly opposed the former president. It was absolutely not because he was a Republican.

It was because the man possessed a fatally flawed character that ruled his every word and his every action.  He will be as close as anyone will ever come in our lifetime to the likeness of the antichrist.  His drive to become the emperor of America was only exceeded by the twisted and ruthless ways he envisioned achieving that goal.  We are still learning of ways he manipulated people and laws to usurp our democratic rule of law. His goal was to untether our constitution!

The mistake Republicans voters across the nation are making is misreading his opponents.  At some point early in his term of office, it became evident that this man represented no political party.  He was representing his own party -  a "party of one."  Many Americans realized this and began their opposition to the president - not the GOP.  He could have been a Democrat, a Whig, a Federalist, an Independent...or even a Republican.  None of that mattered anymore.  The majority of the people were mad at the man!

Most Republicans in Congress were along for the ride.  It gave them "political capital" to be on his team, even if it cost them a bit of scorn for ignoring his tremendous character flaw.  And it was easy for them to blame the "hateful liberals" for picking on those flaws, too.

Today, as he sits in his palace in Florida, Republicans across America still blame Democrats for hating him for his GOP ideology. They are blinded by the fact that he is an authoritarian who needs no political party to guide him. Had he been successful in the now-obvious coup attempt, does anyone think he would have hoisted the GOP flag?  His actions were a shinning example of how the ends justifies the means.

He was as loyal to the flags of the Proud Boys, the KKK, the Oath Keepers, or the White Supremacists as he was to the flag of the Grand Old Party of the Republicans!

Republicans need to understand WHY American Democrats turned on this man. It was because he was against everything America stands for.  

If we are to unite our nation once again, his followers must join the rest of us in putting the past four years aside.  We can move forward as a united America once again. . . and make sure another presidential anomaly like this never happens again!


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