Corporations Are NOT People, Too!

There is plain ol' hypocrisy and then there's political and judicial hypocrisy.  The conservative movement in America founded an organization called "Citizens United" behind a veiled mission statement that, through a combination of education, advocacy, and grass-roots organization" seeks to "reassert the traditional American Values of limited government, freedom of enterprise, strong families, and national sovereignty in America.

They challenged campaign finance rules after the FCC stopped it from promoting and airing a film criticizing presidential candidate Hillary Clinton too close to the presidential primary.  In a 5 - 4 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court said that corporations and other outside groups can spend unlimited money on elections.

We all came to hear and hate their mantra stating "corporations are people, too!"

Hypocrisy at its worst!  Their mission statement stresses grass-roots thinking, reasserting "traditional American Values, and strong families," while promoting big money from big corporations to give to conservative candidates so they can pass bills to shove "families" to the back of the line, behind big money and big corporations. They have no throbbing interest in American Family Values nor in American Families!  Their only concern is for corporations, corporate-bought politicians, and money to buy everything they need to satisfy their power and greed.

It stinks to high heaven.  

The Supreme Court ruling in favor of Citizens United must be overturned.  The results of such a ruling have brought money, corporations, and power players into our elections and the offices are going to the highest bidders.  Money is the name of the game and their laws are plowing common folks underground.  Money and power beget more money and more power.  Citizens United isn't anything like what it touts in its mission statement.

But Citizens United fooled enough conservative Republicans, in both houses of congress and in our highest court, to vote for their hypocritical - and unamerican - shenanigans!  It's time to "storm the gates!"



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